Winner of SAOT Young Researcher Award in Optical Technologies announced

The Erlangen Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technologies (SAOT) presented the eighth SAOT Young Researcher Award in Optical Technologies (YRA). The winner was Dr. Alexander Jesacher from the Division of Biomedical Physics at the Medical University of Innsbruck. With this decision SAOT’s Board of Directors recognises the scientist’s outstanding contributions to ‘Diffractive Optics in Camera-Based Scanning Microscopy’. Now, Jesacher has the opportunity to continue his research work in close collaboration with several SAOT researchers.
For Jesacher, whose research focuses on different microscopic methods and laser micro-fabrication, the YRA is a great chance: ‘The SAOT Young Researcher Award is an excellent opportunity for me, as it will allow me to be a part of a powerful network of expertise in optics.’ As a result, he says, not only will he be able to expand his knowledge of this exciting field, the members of SAOT will also benefit from his skills. Besides the money, the prize includes a twelve-month research stay in Erlangen. The winner of the award can visit SAOT either for one continuous stay or several shorter stays. While in Erlangen, Jesacher will have the formal status of a guest professor and will also give lectures and seminars for the doctoral candidates of SAOT.
SAOT was established at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) in 2006 as part of the ‘Excellence Initiative by the German Federal and State Governments to Promote Science and Research at German Universities’ to provide an interdisciplinary, structured education and research training programme for doctoral candidates in a highly attractive research environment. The YRA is awarded annually. It is open to young researchers with a proven record in optics, photonics and optical technologies. The maximum age at the date of application is 40 years. The deadline for application for the 2016 YRA is 15 November 2015. The decision will be announced in February 2016.
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