Help for students in need

More than 65,000 euros in donations have been received
The aim of the appeal fund ‘#FAU4FAU – Staff for Students’ is to help students who are now in financial need due to the coronavirus pandemic. ‘It is my personal concern and I see it as an important task of the university to provide additional support to our students during this difficult time. This is why we have responded swiftly in announcing two appeals for donations’ says FAU President Prof. Dr. Joachim Hornegger.
Solidarity between FAU staff and students
The #FAU4FAU – Staff for Students appeal has been very well received: more than 65,000 euros have now been received in donations. ‘Even students have asked if they can donate. ‘I am particularly pleased with the generosity and solidarity of the FAU employees and everyone else who has donated,’ says Prof. Hornegger. Currently, more than 200 applications from students in financial need are being considered and payouts will begin this week.
Donations can still be made to the #FAU4FAU aid fund until 31 May. Read more information on #FAU4FAU.
More laptop donations are welcome
The #FAU4FAU – Laptops appeal has also been received well at the start of the lecture period. The first donated laptops have already been distributed to students in need. ‘We are expecting even more support from FAU institutions, companies and private individuals in the coming days, so that all students can participate in digital teaching,’ says Prof. Hornegger. Anyone who has a personal laptop or university laptop that is no longer in use can donate hardware via the RRZE service desks. Donated laptops will be checked and refurbished and loaned to students in need.
More information is available on our website.