Lecture series: Decision-making processes in non-European societies

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You can attend the online presentations via the Zoom link below. (Image: Colourbox.de)

Guest lectures by international researchers

How are decisions made in various social and cultural contexts? This is the topic of the lecture series ‘Standards of Decision-Making Across Cultures’ (SDAC) at FAU. During various lectures held in English, international researchers will be discussing topics such as the healthcare system in Bhutan, women’s rights campaigns in countries with a mainly Muslim population, or legal bases for decisions for dealing with the influence of the military in Thailand. The lecture series will be broadcast via Zoom. The event is being organised by the Professorship for Cultural and Social Anthropology at FAU.


Thursday 28 May at 2.15 pm
The Patient Multiple: An Ethnography of Healthcare and Decision-Making in Bhutan
Jonathan Taee, Independent Scholar, Ph.D., University of Cambridge

Thursday 4 June at 2.15 pm
Decisions about How to Make Decisions: Lessons from Thailand’s Cycle of Constitutions and Military Coups
Prof. Andrew Harding, National University of Singapore

Monday 8 June at 2.15 pm
Epistemology of Machine Learning
Alberto Tonda, Ph.D., Institut national de recherche pour l’agriculture, l’alimentation et l’environnement

Thursday 18 June at 2.15 pm
Navigating Between Conflicting Demands. Decision-Making of HIV-positive Mothers in Lesotho
Dr. Lena Kroeker, Universität Bayreuth

Thursday 25 June at 2.15 pm
After the Hijab: Sartorial Decision-Making and Liminal Embodiment
Alicia Izharuddin, Ph.D., Harvard University

Thursday 2 July at 2.15 pm
Negotiating Shari’a and Women’s Rights Advocacy in the Muslim World
Prof. Salma Waheedi, Harvard University

Participants can access the Zoom seminar room directly via this link: https://fau.zoom.us/j/2697082814?pwd=WFA0cXdxZzU2U0lJa3lvQVR6MzF5QT09

Further information:

Prof. Dr. Dominik M. Müller
Professorship for Cultural and Social Anthropology