A Cup with the President – Episode 15: Prof. Dr. Gregor Fuhrmann

FAU President Hornegger and Prof. Dr. Fuhrmann are talking in a hallway.
(Image: FAU/Giulia Iannicelli)

Visiting Prof. Dr. Gregor Fuhrmann at the Division for Pharmaceutical Biology

Each semester, FAU President Prof. Dr. Joachim Hornegger visits professors who have just recently joined FAU. At their respective institutes, he gets to know them better as they talk about their research and share what is important to them.

This series serves as a brief introduction of the researcher and allows a peek into such visit by the president.

In this episode, episode 15, Prof. Hornegger visits Prof. Dr. Gregor Fuhrmann who is the head of the Division for Pharmaceutical Biology at FAU.

FAU Präsident Hornegger und Prof. Fuhrmann unterhalten sich in dessen Büro.
(Image: FAU/Giulia Iannicelli)

Together with his group, Gregor Fuhrmann is looking for new biogenetic therapy possibilities for bacterial infections and inflammation diseases.


FAU Professor Gregor Fuhrmann erklärt gestenreich seine Forschungsarbeit.
(Image: FAU/Giulia Iannicelli)

As part of their research, they analyze cell derived nano particles that are responsible for cells communicating with each other.


FAU Professor Fuhrmann hat einen Glaskolben in der Hand und erklärt FAU Präsident Hornegger seine Forschung.
(Image: FAU/Giulia Iannicelli)

Previously, Fuhrmann worked at the Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland in Saarbrücken.


FAU Präsident Hornegger und FAU Professor Fuhrmann hängen Grimassen ziehend an einem Baum.
(Image: FAU/Giulia Iannicelli)

His most important tool as a professor is his standing desk that he had manufactured from his first prize money as scientist.

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