Application and enrollment for international applicants
Before applying for a place on a degree program, you must first decide what you would like to study. With over 260 degree programs to choose from, FAU offers a range of subjects and an interdisciplinary network that are unique in Germany.
Our State Examination and Bachelor’s degree programs are aimed at those who have not yet completed a degree. During a Master’s degree, students can expand their specialist knowledge and further develop their academic skills. In addition, FAU offers teaching degree programs (Lehramt) for primary schools, secondary schools (Mittelschule, Realschule and Gymnasium) and vocational schools.
More information about the contents and admission restrictions of all degree programs at FAU is available in our degree program catalog.
Application for… | summer semester 2025 | winter semester 2024/25 |
degree programs without admission restrictions (Bachelor’s, State Examination) | October 15, 2024 – January 15, 2025 | May 2, 2024 – July 15, 2024 |
degree programs subject to admission restrictions (Bachelor’s, State Examination (both 1st subject semester) with/without DoSV | — | May 2, 2024 – July 15, 2024 |
Medicine, Medicine Erlangen-Bayreuth, Pharmacy (only for winter semester), Dentistry (all only first subject semester) | October 15, 2024 – January 15, 2025 (see below for exceptions) | May 2, 2024 – July 15, 2024 (see below for exceptions) |
degree programs with admission restrictions (Bachelor’s, State Examination; higher subject semesters) | October 15, 2024 – January 15, 2025 | May 2, 2024 – July 15, 2024 |
Master’s degree programs without admission restrictions | different application periods | different application periods |
Master’s degree programs with admission restrictions (“Psychology” and “KliPs”) | October 15, 2024 – January 15, 2025 | May 2, 2024 – July 15, 2024 |
German course / Studienkolleg | October 15, 2024 – January 15, 2025 | May 2, 2024 – July 15, 2024 |
For prospective international students, the next step of the application process is also dependent on which subject you would like to study (if you do not have German citizenship or a university entrance qualification obtained in Germany). Normally, you have to apply directly to FAU via the campo application portal for all undergraduate degree programs.
The majority of undergraduate subjects can only be started in the winter semester; that means that enrollment for the summer semester is only possible for higher semesters. However, this is dependent on whether any previous course and examination achievements have been accredited.
Documents required for application:
Certified copies of foreign certificates that are not issued in German, English or French must be submitted along with a certified translation. If your documents do not fulfill the requirements or if important certificates are missing, your application will not be processed. More information on document certification and translation is available here.
International applicants should complete the online application request in the applicant portal first and then print out the application form from the portal, sign it and send the signed application form with the following documents by post to our Admissions Office (postal address: FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Zulassungsstelle, Freyeslebenstraße 1, 91058 Erlangen):
- CV (without photo)
- School leaving certificate (complete certificate)
- Proof of German language skills (in this instance, a simple copy is sufficient if the proof of proficiency was obtained in Germany).
Further documents may be necessary depending on the desired degree program, your country of origin and your previous education.
- If applicable: pre-university year certificate (e.g. applicants from Iran)
- If applicable: university entrance examination certificate from your home country
- If applicable: assessment examination (Feststellungsprüfung) for the degree program in question (certified copy)
- If you have completed previous periods of study: complete academic report/transcript of records
- If you have completed a previous degree: degree certificate (e.g. Bachelor’s degree, Diplom)
- Applicants who have completed previous periods of study in China, India or (from summer semester 2023) Vietnam: APS certificate (original)
- Applicants from DSDI/DSDII schools in China: confirmation of identity from the German embassy (original)
- Applicants for Food Chemistry, Medicine, Pharmacy, or Dentistry must submit proof of passing the Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang ausländischer Studienbewerber (DSH 2) or an equivalent examination.
Please note that for applications to be processed all necessary documents have to be enclosed. This means that applications must not be submitted without certificates and supporting documents.
Studienkolleg: Please ensure you find out whether you can apply directly for the degree program you have chosen or whether you must first complete the Studienkolleg or pass the assessment examination Feststellungsprüfung. More information is available on our page about the Evaluation of international qualifications and “Studienkolleg”.
Please note the following exceptions in the application procedure:
- Applications for a German course or the pre-entry program (Studienkolleg) should be filed online only.
- Applications for the degree programs Artificial Intelligence (BSc), Autonomy Technologies (BSc) and Clean Energy Processes (BSc) should be filed nearly entirely online. Only the signed form for your application for admission must be sent in by post without any further documents We will not process any applications that are sent by email.
For applicants with qualifications from India, the APS certificate must be submitted when applying for admission to a degree program (Bachelor’s degree, State Examination and Master’s degree), for the German course, or the Studienkolleg for the Free State of Bavaria, provided that the application is based on a secondary education certificate and/or course achievements from India.
Please note the following exceptions:
An APS certificate is not required for application or enrollment if one of the following conditions is met:
- The applicant is already resident in Germany and has proof of residence (Meldebescheinigung) that is not older than three months.
- The highest educational qualification originates from a country other than India, China or Vietnam. The first degree is relevant for the application for a Master’s degree program. If applicants gained their Bachelor’s degree in India and a Master’s degree in another country, an APS certificate is still required. In this case, the university degree relevant for the application is the Bachelor’s degree and the Master’s degree is secondary.
- The applicant has passed an assessment examination (Feststellungsprüfung) in Germany.
- The applicant is located in India and is studying a distance learning degree program at a German university.
- The applicant has been awarded a scholarship from Germany or the EU.
For more information, please visit the APS India website:
In addition to submitting your application via campo, please note that for some Bachelor’s degree programs you will also have to apply via the dialog-oriented service procedure (DoSV) managed by the Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung. This concerns:
- Foreign students who have attended a school in Germany and therefore all foreign applicants and stateless persons who have attained a German university entrance qualification or have completed a degree in Germany that qualifies them to apply for the degree program.
- Citizens from an EU member state
- Spouses of German citizens
- Citizens from contracting states for the Agreement on the European Economic Area that are not members of the EU (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway).
- Other family members of citizens of another EU member state or of a contracting state of the Agreement on the European Economic Area who live in Germany, provided these citizens are employed in Germany. The term “other family members” includes spouses.
This applies to the following degree programs in winter semester 2024/25:
- International Business Studies (BSc; taught in English)
- International Economic Studies (BSc; taught in English)
- Food Chemistry (State Examination)
- Molecular Medicine (BSc)
- Psychology (BSc; full time and part time)
Further information about the dialog-oriented service procedure (DoSV) is available at A checklist on DoSV can also be found in the Downloads section on that website.
For degree programs in Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy, please apply to the Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung (Foundation for University Admissions (SfH)) if you are:
- an applicant from a European Union (EU) state
- an applicant from an EEA country not in the EU (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway)
- a “BildungsinländerIn” (foreign students at German universities who have attended a school in Germany)
- an international applicant living in Germany with relatives who are EU/EEA citizens and work in Germany (e.g. husband, wife, parents).
Irrespective of your nationality, you are considered a ‘BildungsinländerIn’ if you have obtained your university entrance qualification in Germany or at a German school abroad. The same application conditions apply to you as those for prospective students from Germany.
Graduates of German schools abroad who want to start a degree program at FAU receive particular support. The application procedure is based on the school-leaving qualification obtained.
- Application procedure with a German “Abitur”
If you have obtained the German general university entrance qualification Abitur at a “Gymnasium” secondary school or a German secondary education certificate at a German school abroad, you are entitled to start a degree program at any German university, irrespective of your nationality. This means you are a “BildungsinländerIn”. You can therefore apply to and enroll at FAU just like any German prospective student. Detailed information: Application and enrollment - Application procedure with the school-leaving qualification obtained in your home country
If you have obtained a non-German school-leaving qualification at a German school or partner school in your home country or if you have obtained the International Baccalaureate and the Deutsches Sprachdiplom DSD II you can apply for a degree program at FAU via the application procedure for international students.
Advice and support for applications from graduates of German schools abroad
FAU is part of the Bavarian support initiative for German schools abroad and partner schools abroad (Bayerische Betreuungsinitiative Deutsche Auslands- und Partnerschulen – BayBIDS). As part of this initiative, we visit German schools abroad to introduce pupils there to the university. We also organize and support visits to FAU for pupils of German schools abroad.

Kerstin Seitz, Dipl.-Germ.
91054 Erlangen
- Phone number: +49 9131 85-24876
- Mobile phone: +491622953960
- Email:
- Website:
School leavers who apply for a degree program at FAU can also apply for a one-year scholarship amounting to 425-450 euros per month. More information on these support programs is available on the BayBiDS website:
Applicants who would like to enroll in a degree program without admission restrictions and who have completed a “Studienkolleg” in Germany and passed the assessment examination (“Feststellungsprüfung”), which makes them eligible to study a degree program in the relevant area of study, are not required to apply via the Admissions Office and complete the admissions procedure. These applicants can enroll during the standard enrollment period.
Applicants who are at an international school and will gain the IB in the current year will usually not have their final certificate in time for the application deadline for degree programs with admission restrictions. You must therefore ensure that you have the relevant proof in good time so that your application can still be considered. The process depends on the degree program you choose and your nationality:
- For applications for degree programs with admission restrictions made directly to FAU
- For applications made via (only if you fall under the ‘special group of applicants’ category for medicine, medicine in Erlangen-Nuremberg/Bayreuth, dentistry, and pharmacy, see above)
Please also note that you must also provide proof of sufficient proficiency in German. This proof is not required if your IB certificate lists ‘German A’ at the ‘Higher’ level.
Prospective doctoral candidates have to submit the permission form (“Promotionsgenehmigung”) approved by the respective Faculty along with their transcripts/certificates to start a doctoral degree. You will only receive this permission if your degree from abroad is considered equivalent to the required German qualifications. You also need a note of acceptance (“Betreuungszusage”) from your supervisor. More information (including the application requirements) is available on the Graduate Center’s website.
If you want to spend one or two semesters at FAU as an exchange student (e.g. ERASMUS/SOKRATES program) or a scholarship holder (e.g. DAAD), please contact FAU’s Office of International Affairs.
Admission to a Master’s program requires a degree equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree. A list of the Master’s degree programs currently on offer at FAU and an overview of the degree programs taught in English and international degree programs is available on our website.
Master’s degree applications are submitted online via the campo portal. All information on applications for Master’s degree programs is available under Applying for Master’s degree programs.
The qualifications you gained from your secondary school in your home country do not necessarily entitle you to study at a German university. In many cases, international applicants have to take an assessment examination (Feststellungsprüfung) at a “Studienkolleg” or provide proof of previous study periods in their home country before they are admitted to the degree program. Detailed information is available on our page about the Evaluation of international qualifications and “Studienkolleg”.
With the exception of a small number of degree programs, German is the teaching language at FAU. Proof of the relevant language skills is therefore essential for admission to a degree program. Detailed information is available here: German language skills and certificates.
If your application for a place has been successful, you will receive an admissions letter (“Zulassungsbescheid”) and you must then enroll for the degree program you would like to study at FAU. You will then receive information on how and when to enroll and which documents are required in the admissions letter.
Detailed information is available under Application/Enrollment.
How to apply via the campo portal (video in English)
If you have any further questions, please contact the Student Advice and Career Service
Please note that the Student Advice Center cannot give any information about the status of your application. We would appreciate it if you didn’t make any queries in this respect.
Student Advice Center
91054 Erlangen
- Phone number: +49 9131 85-23333
- Email:
- Website: