
Learn for the future

FAU, its institutions, faculties and partners offer a wide range of support when you are choosing a degree program, introductory events to help you when you are starting a degree program, and expert advice during the course of your degree program. FAU, the largest university in Northern Bavaria, is looking forward to welcoming you!

FAU Strategy Talks – Join in the discussion!

The FAU Strategy Talks offer students and staff a joint platform to shape the future strategy of FAU. You have the possibility to discuss current developments, the University’s strategic approach and future goals with the Executive Board.

Further information is available on our intranet after logging in with your IdM account.

  • Using window films to sustainably protect buildings from heat - this is what FAU Alumna Katja Wadlinger and her team are working on in their start-up AMPERIAL. In the latest edition of our FAU Alumni #MyStory video series, Katja Wadlinger gives exclusive insights into the lab and explains how FAU helped her to found her company.

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