As a diverse, open and innovative university, FAU thrives on the passion and respect all of its members put into their work. It offers everybody at FAU scope for personal and career development, creates flexibility and provides support in all stages and situations of life. It creates a climate of openness, recognition and equal opportunity, thus promoting excellence in studying, teaching, research and administration.
Your journey to FAU
Regardless of whether your journey at FAU starts with training, studying, research or any other type of occupation, the University offers help and advice for all stages of your career, pages with information and contacts to assist you.
People at FAU work in administration, teaching or in research, study at one of our five faculties and often keep close ties with the University after they have finished their studies. We have put together information for students, researchers, staff and alumni on the following pages.
Have you ever wondered how esoteric practices are deployed to predict and influence everyday life events? The DFG-funded Center for Advanced Studies “Alternative Rationalities and Esoteric Practices from a Global Perspective” CAS-E investigates such practices. In this lecture series, their latest research on the topic is being presented.
The process of food intake appears to be organized at the cellular level like a relay race: during eating, the baton is passed between different teams of neurons until we have consumed the appropriate amount of energy. This is the conclusion of a recent study by FAU researchers.
For "A cup with the president", FAU President Hornegger visits Prof. Dr. Dr. Patricia Wiater from the Chair for Public Law, Public International Law and Human Rights.
Prof. Dr. Jana Hutter and Prof. Dr. Philipp Pelz and have been awarded the coveted ERC Starting Grant for their work on improving imaging processes in medicine and material sciences.