Site development at FAU
A decade of change
Construction measures: FAU is changing its face and the cityscape in Erlangen and Nuremberg
This decade will bring important construction measures that will have a lasting impact on the appearance of FAU and the cities of Erlangen and Nuremberg in the long term.
Campus development: Consolidating and focusing on three campus locations at FAU
Financing: Free State of Bavaria investing millions of euros
Plans are already underway for construction projects worth over 1.5 billion euros, others are to follow.
View to the future: Impressions from planned construction projects

Join in and share your ideas
Would you like to help shape FAU and have your say in our site development? Get involved in our construction community open to all members of FAU (name of group: “Das Jahrzehnt des Wandels – Standortentwicklung an der FAU”, or in English “The decade of change – Site development at FAU”)
At a glance
The following pages give a brief overview of which areas and which locations of FAU are currently affected, and which new buildings are in the pipeline.

Frequently asked questions
Over 1.5 billion euros of funding has now been approved for site development at FAU. In Erlangen city center, this includes refurbishment of the “Himbeerpalast” building and the new lecture hall center in Henkestrasse, renovation of the Schloss, Anatomy department and successive sewer rehabilitation works in FAU areas. Two prefabricated lecture complexes, new buildings for Technical Chemistry and the second construction phase of the Chemistry building as well as the necessary development measures including a parking garage are major projects in FAU Campus Erlangen (South) that can be implemented using these funds. Furthermore, planning approval has been granted for a north Bavarian computing center on the extended FAU Campus Erlangen (South). The sum mentioned above does not include other major projects that are already operational or are nearing completion (such as ECAP) or have already been initiated, but are being financed by different means, such as the commissioned building for Education Science (call for tender for rental premises in North Nuremberg).
Applications are currently at the drafting stage or are already being finalized for other urgent projects (including the Kollegienhaus, Materials Science and Engineering, renovation of MHB building).
Further information
All major construction projects at FAU that the Bavarian government has in principle agreed to implement at the current time or in the future are listed in the currently valid budget of the Free State of Bavaria (see draft for 2023: Einzelplan 15, Anlage S (individual plan 15, Appendix S) (listing of state construction measures totaling over 3,000,000 euros in any individual instance).
Energy-efficient construction and renovation works
As FAU is a Bavarian university, construction and renovation works are subject to the ambitious requirements of the Free State of Bavaria concerning energy-efficient construction. Further information is available (in German) on the following websites:
FAU Press Office
91058 Erlangen
- Phone number: +49 9131 85-70229
- Email:
- Website: