What to do in an emergency
What to do in an emergency
Keep calm, briefly assess the danger and call emergency services immediately.
Fire brigade and ambulance: 112
Police: 110
When making an emergency call, give the following details:
- Where did it occur?
- What happened?
- How many people are affected?
- What is the nature of their illness or injury?
- Wait to answer any questions.
Fire, smoke or smell of burning, uncontrolled release of hazardous substances
Keep calm and phone the fire brigade: dial 112
Get yourself to safety
- University Control Centre: 09131 8527777
- Warn any persons at risk
- Aid persons unable to get to safety themselves
- Close windows and doors, but do not lock doors
- Close fire doors
- Follow marked escape routes
- Do not use lifts
- Go to the assembly point
- Follow instructions
Try to extinguish the fire
- Use fire extinguishers
- Use fire hose
In the case of small scale spillages of hazardous substances
Protect yourself
The following measures are to be carried out by experienced staff only:
- Wear suitable and sufficient personal protective equipment
- Prevent spread to other rooms by closing doors
- Use binding agents to collect hazardous substance
Suspicious objects, letters or parcels
- Do not touch, move or open the object
- Proceed according to Information sheet ‘Letters and packages suspected to contain explosive devices’ (Emergency plan / Appendix Z09, keep a copy at each workplace) Contact)
- Inform the head of the organisational unit
Person threatening suicide
Inform the police: dial 110
- Inform the head of the organisational unit
- Personal contact with the person may only be sought if they want to talk to someone or if they are unable to get out of a life-threatening situation by themselves
Suspicious person (e.g. face covered up, acting suspiciously, possibly armed)
- Keep an eye on them, observe them as discreetly as possible
- Ask fellow member of staff for help and point person out to them
- Inform the head of the organisational unit
Inform the police: dial 110
Verbal threat/harassment
- Verbal threat/harassment
- Try to react in a friendly but firm manner, ask colleagues for help
- Try to de-escalate the situation, do not confront anyone obviously willing to resort to violence
- If you feel threatened, lock yourself in the room or leave the building, look for crowds of people
- Warn staff and other persons using the means available at the scene
Inform the police: dial 110
- Escape from the danger zone
- Help others to escape
- Do not go to usual assembly point
- Seek suitable cover such as a thick wall
- Warn others and tell them to escape
- Barricade yourself in suitable rooms
- Stay quiet, switch off lights and any sources of noise
- Switch off or mute mobile phones
- Lay flat on the floor
- Keep away from windows and doors
- Seek suitable cover such as a thick wall
Inform the police: dial 110
Power cut
Safety first
- Stop all experiments immediately
- Inform the head of the organisational unit immediately if any experiments could become uncontrollable
Inform the University Control Centre on 09131 8527777
- Switch off any electrical devices or socket strips
- Keep freezers and refrigerators closed
- Open windows and/or doors to get fresh air
- Use battery-powered devices such as laptops, tablets or mobile phones to get information
Water, gas or heating has been cut off
Inform the University Control Centre on 09131 8527777
- Inform the head of the organisational unit
- Inform them of any potential technical hazards or working conditions that may be hazardous to health or hygiene
Failure of communication devices (telephones, mobile phones, data communication)
- Try to use any alternative means of communication such as mobile phones, SMS, landline telephone, fax, or send member of staff with written note
Inform the University Control Centre on 09131 8527777
- Inform the head of the organisational unit
- Inform the head of the organisational unit of potential technical hazards
Give first aid
In the case of emergency, always administer first aid to the best of your abilities.
- General information on first aid and what to do at the scene of an accident from the German Red Cross
Mental crisis?
- Social psychiatric service
- University pastoral care services
- Mental health hotline:0800 111 0 111 or 0800 111 0 222 (only from Germany)
- Crisis team for Middle Franconia 0911 424855-0
IT emergency
- Inform SOC (Security Operation Center): soc@fau.de
- Stop working with the IT system
- Document your observations
- Only take measures once instructed to do so
Contact RRZE
Discrimination, harassment and sexual harassment
- Guidelines on preventing and dealing with cases of discrimination, harassment and sexual harassment
- Contact and advice centers
Please contact the complaints team if you would like to file a complaint:
- Phone number: +49 9131 85-27777
- Email: leitwarte@fau.de
Service request form (IdM-Login required)
Details for dealing with emergencies: Emergency plan, checklists, information sheets
Detailed information about all issues concerning occupational safety are available on the Occupational Safety website: as.zuv.fau.de (on the FAU intranet).
Training courses
Occupational Safety offers courses on occupational safety, fire prevention and coping with emergencies.