Working for FAU
FAU takes its responsibility as an employer very seriously and supports all its employees. It provides information and support inside and outside of work, provides training and ensures equality of opportunity.
FAU works for and with its employees in many areas.
Internal pages for employees

Whether in research, teaching or administration, FAU offers a wide range of support and has put all the relevant information together on its internal pages for employees (German). These pages also contain lots of information, advice and further links relevant for your work.
Information and material

Handbooks, circulars and brochures in the Administration Handbook (German) will help you to find the right information. All information regarding your employment can be found in the Human Resources Handbook (German). Tools developed by the University (German), such as FAUbox make your work easier.
Health and safety

Our occupational health management team helps you stay healthy, University Sports offers courses and events to keep you active and the University counselling service can offer you advice and support if you need it.
Professional development

FAU offers a wide range of training and professional development programmes for employees (German) to acquire or broaden knowledge and skills. Our ‘Admins going global’ programme is unique and strengthens the intercultural skills and mobility of our employees.
New to FAU

Starting a position at FAU often involves getting to know new structures, rules and new duties. But it also involves new colleagues, new freedoms and responsibilities, new contacts and new opportunities. Browse through the information on our internal websites and you will find answers to all your questions (German), whether they are related to faculties and organisational units, FAUCard and IdM, service and support or forms and administration.
Representing interests

Academic autonomy means supporting each other, co-determination, making a contribution and getting involved. At FAU, you can join committees and associations that give you the opportunity to represent your interests and those of your colleagues. Your vote counts and your voice is heard in the Staff Council.