Photos from the Schlossgartenfest – the best pictures of the evening

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Bild: FAU/Georg Pöhlein

#FAUgemeinsam auf dem Schlossgartenfest der FAU

A perfect summer weekend: In perfect weather, more than 6,000 guests enjoyed themselves at FAU’s 67th Schlossgartenfest on Saturday. There was dancing, laughing, eating and drinking – this year under the FAU annual motto “#FAUgemeinsam”.

An extensive program awaited the guests: they were greeted at the entrance by stilt walkers, and light installations and art objects awaited the visitors in the castle garden itself. Six live bands performed – in addition to the FAU Big Band, the 22-person Schaeffler Big Band was there for the first time. Together with a DJ in the lounge area, they provided dancing fun until late into the night. A highlight of the evening: a laser show.

Highlights on Instagram

For those who couldn’t be there: On Instagram, Madelaine and Laura guide you through the evening – including laser show.

To the Instagram highlights