#Zusammenland: Diversity makes us strong

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FAU is taking part in the #Zusammenland initiative

FAU is one of more than 350 academic institutions standing up for diversity by taking part in the #Zusammenland initiative. The University is taking a stance against right-wing extremism and standing up for freedom, democracy, diversity and a welcoming culture. #Zusammenland is a joint campaign initiated by publishing houses and broadcasting companies.

An extract from an advertisement in the science section of the Zeit newspaper on February 29 reads as follows: “Mindless populism? No thank you! The so-called “remigration” of our friends, neighbors, colleagues? Definitely not. And fascism? Never again! Germany does not need an alternative to freedom and diversity. We have learned from history and do not forget how inhumanity pervaded society, at first surreptitiously and with restraint, to later become oppressive and brutal.”

It is stated that our current times call for a “clear stance”. “We stand together for an open country that bravely faces challenges instead of allowing ourselves to be stirred up and incited by right-wing propaganda. We already know where that can lead to. This year we have to stand up against hatred and division. For welcoming diversity in society. Together we are strong in a country that thrives on diversity, #Zusammenland.”

FAU is a “University Open to the World”

Diversity is one of the guiding principles of our University. For this reason, FAU has already endorsed the statement of the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK), which states that liberal democracy and the rule of law are not only the foundations of a humane society, but also of functioning academia. “Openness and curiosity are the fundamental values of each university. As an institution of our democratic constitutional state and in the university tradition of freedom of opinion and belief, FAU distances itself from any radical efforts to call these fundamental freedoms into question,” states FAU President Prof. Dr. Joachim Hornegger.