Starting your studies
Starting your semester abroad at FAU
If your application was successful, you have already received your admissions letter, and you have all the documents you need from your home university, then you have taken the most important step towards your semester abroad at FAU.
Nevertheless, there are a few more things you have to do before starting your studies at FAU. You have to take care of certain formalities, move into your new accommodation, maybe take a language course to improve your language skills and decide which modules to take. This can be quite a challenge for students. In this section you will find out what you have to do and take into account, and who will help you with any queries during your stay at FAU.
Welcome weeks for international students
As a new international exchange student or student participating in an exchange program, you must take part in our welcome weeks in order to take care of all the important formalities for your stay at FAU with the help of student assistants. This includes registering at your place of residence, ensuring your health insurance is recognized or taking out new health insurance, opening a bank account, applying for a residence permit and finally enrolling at the University.
In this way, you can be sure that you do not forget anything and that no problems will arise later on, as it can be difficult to get to grips with the complex systems of the German authorities. An intercultural introduction to the university system and getting to know other international students and German students at certain events is also very helpful.
The welcome weeks are held at the beginning of the semester in early October and early April. For students taking part in the intensive German course before the beginning of the semester, the welcome weeks start in September or March before the intensive German course. Exchange students and students participating in exchange programs will automatically be forwarded the schedule by the International Affairs team. Participation in the orientation courses is mandatory for all exchange students and students participating in exchange programs.
Intensive German language course
The teaching language at FAU is usually German. It is important to have good German skills to enable you to complete your studies within the required period of time. Good knowledge of German is also important for communication outside of the University.
FAU’s Language Centre offers intensive German courses before the start of the semester which will allow you to improve your language proficiency. There are courses for various different levels. You can register for the course at the Language Centre.
More information on the courses at the Language Centre is available here.
Choosing your course and Learning Agreements
Exchange students and students participating in exchange programs can attend almost all courses at FAU. However, we recommend that you contact your departmental coordinator to discuss your choice of courses.
Departmental coordinators
As an exchange student or student participating in an exchange program, you are only admitted to FAU for the subject specified in the cooperation agreement with your home university. After you have been offered a place, we will send you the details of your departmental coordinator, who is your point of contact at our University and will help you choose the courses that are right for you. Your departmental coordinator must also sign your Learning Agreement. Your Learning Agreement is not valid without this signature. Please therefore ensure that you contact your departmental coordinator before you arrive at the University.
Course catalog and schedule
The course catalog can be accessed via the campo portal and includes all the courses offered at FAU during a semester. Courses for each semester are only published online a few weeks before the start of the semester. If you require an overview of the courses on offer before this information is available, you can use the courses from the previous summer or winter semester as a guide. Please note that there is no guarantee that all the courses displayed for previous semesters will actually be on offer during the semester you will be attending FAU.
The course catalog is structured according to faculty and also shows courses offered by other university institutions (such as the Language Centre). Please choose the majority of your courses in your subject and faculty. The courses are sorted in the course catalog based on the module structure of the degree programs, which are available in the relevant degree program and examination regulations. The module descriptions, on the other hand, are usually published on the department website.
Further information:
Learning Agreement
Some home universities agree upon a list of courses which are to be taken at the host university with their students. This document is called a Learning Agreement.
Before coming to Germany, please find out from your home university whether you require a Learning Agreement, which courses you have to take at FAU and how many ECTS credits you need.
Participants in the Erasmus+ KA 171 program (partner countries) must complete modules worth a minimum of 20 ECTS credits. FAU does not stipulate a minimum or maximum number of ECTS credits in all other cases. However, we recommend 20 to 30 ECTS credits per semester.
Your Learning Agreement must normally be signed by the following:
- you
- the person responsible at your home university
- your departmental coordinator at FAU
The ERASMUS code for FAU is D ERLANGE01.
International recognition of academic achievements
European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) and Transcript of Records
The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) was developed by the European Commission to ensure a common method of academic accreditation for international study. The ECTS allows academic achievement to be measured, compared and transferred between universities.
Students can achieve 60 ECTS credits in the academic year and usually study 30 credits per semester. Please note that no special courses are held for the sake of ECTS credits but that all courses are regular courses of the participating institutions and are attended by regular students according to the normal regulations. Credits are only awarded if the course has been completed and all course achievements and examinations have been passed in accordance with the examination regulations.
If you have completed the program agreed upon by your home university and your host university, the credits achieved shall be transferred. You can then return to your degree program at your home university without having lost time or credits. Credits are transferred using a form called the Transcript of Records. You can download your Transcript of Records with all your completed course and examination achievements and ECTS credits via the campo portal at the end of your stay.
German university grades
Grades at FAU:
Assessed work at FAU is generally graded as follows; however the grades awarded for a specific degree program may differ in the examination regulations:
Grade | Text | Declaration |
1.0 | sehr gut (excellent) | bestanden (pass) |
1.3 | sehr gut (very good) – | bestanden (pass) |
1.7 | gut (good) + | bestanden (pass) |
2.0 | gut (good) | bestanden (pass) |
2.3 | gut (good) – | bestanden (pass) |
2.7 | befriedigend (satisfactory) + | bestanden (pass) |
3.0 | befriedigend (satisfactory) | bestanden (pass) |
3.3 | befriedigend (satisfactory) – | bestanden (pass) |
3.7 | ausreichend (sufficient) + | bestanden (pass) |
4.0 | ausreichend (sufficient) | bestanden (pass) |
4.3 | nicht ausreichend (unsatisfactory) | nicht bestanden (fail) |
4.7 | nicht ausreichend (unsatisfactory) | nicht bestanden (fail) |
5.0 | nicht ausreichend (unsatisfactory) | nicht bestanden (fail) |
Some modules only require regular attendance rather than an examination. They count as “passed”. If you do not complete an examination required by a module, credits cannot be awarded, despite regular attendance.
Grade scales for law:
Points achieved | Grade: explanation | English equivalent | French equivalent |
0 | ungenügend: eine völlig unbrauchbare Leistung | fail | insuffisant |
1-3 | mangelhaft: eine an erheblichen Mängeln leidende, im ganzen nicht mehr brauchbare Leistung | fail | insuffisant |
4-6 | ausreichend: eine Leistung, die trotz ihrer Mängel durchschnittlichen Anforderungen noch entspricht | satisfactory | passable |
7-9 | befriedigend: eine Leistung, die in jeder Hinsicht durchschnittlichen Anforderungen entspricht | good | satisfaisant |
10-12 | vollbefriedigend: eine über den durchschnittlichen Anforderungen liegende Leistung | very good | très satisfaisant |
13-15 | gut: eine erheblich über den durchschnittlichen Anforderungen liegende Leistung | excellent | bien |
16-18 | sehr gut: eine besonders hervorragende Leistung | excellent | très bien |