
Travel within Germany

There are good train connections between all the main cities in Germany. Germany also has an excellent public transportation infrastructure including underground trains, suburban trains, trams and buses. There are many special offers and fares.

Tickets can be purchased at the ticket desks (subject to a service charge) or the ticket machines at the station (NB: tickets usually cannot be purchased on the train). Tickets for local public transportation can be purchased from the customer service offices of the transportation companies or from ticket machines at major stops.

Information on public transport and tickets is available on the VGN and Deutsche Bahn websites.

Erlangen and Nuremberg are bike-friendly cities with a large network of bicycle lanes. Therefore, it is recommendable to either rent a bike or even buy one. Please do not purchase a bike from somebody on the street you do not know. You could risk losing your money and the bike. We strongly recommend buying a secure bike lock – even though crime rates are low in Germany, bikes are frequently stolen in larger cities, especially if they are not secured. Please observe the traffic regulations closely. All vehicles, including bicycles, must be roadworthy. In other words, you must ensure that your brakes and lights work properly.