Association to promote internationalisation
Förderverein zur Internationalisierung der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg e.V. (Association to promote internationalisation at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg)
Who we are
We are a group of dedicated members, alumni and friends of Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU). It is our goal to promote the University’s internationalisation.
We develop and support various projects that benefit international students and guest researchers. Furthermore, we are committed to helping German students gather international experience.
Our work requires financial support. You can help by making a donation.
As the Erlangen tax authority has classified us as non-profit, donations are tax-deductible.
What we do
The Association promotes FAU’s internationalisation through:
- language and communication courses for international students and guest researchers
- seminars on area studies and cultural integration
- practical support in dealing with immigration formalities
- events to facilitate the exchange between international and German students at the University
- promotion of international degree programmes with foreign institutions
- loans for starting new projects
- raising funds for scholarships
- helping international students find placements and internships
Executive board:
- Chair of the Association: Dr. Elisabeth Preuss
- Bursar: Dr. Frank Mielke
- Secretary: Kerstin Sommer
Bank details:
‘Förd. Int. Uni ERN’
Account no.: 14 000 120
Bank: Stadt- und Kreissparkasse Erlangen
Sort code: 763 500 00
IBAN: DE80 7635 0000 0014 0001 20
Further information:
Please contact the executive board through FAU’s Central Office for International Affairs (RIA).
Freyeslebenstraße 1
91058 Erlangen