Apply for one-off energy price allowance until September 30, 2023:

Student in front of a laptop.
Image: FAU/Jonas Baumgärtel

One-off energy price allowance for students

Students can still apply for the one-off 200 EUR energy price allowance until 30 September, 2023. This payment is available to all students who were enrolled at a German institute of higher education on the cut-off date of December 1, 2022 and who had their domicile or habitual residence in Germany on that date.

Students must submit their online application by September 30, 2023 at the latest.

There are three steps you need to follow to apply for the energy allowance:

Step 1: Set up a BundID user account

All students entitled to the energy allowance need to set up a BundID user account. Without this account, you cannot apply.

There are two types of BundID user account:

  1. with a high assurance level (= 1st option) : In this instance, you have to provide proof of identity using the online identification function of your new ID card or electronic residence permit, European eID or a personal ELSTER certificate All you now need to apply is the access code that you will receive in step 2.
  2. with a low assurance level (= 2nd option):In this case, you register with a user name and a password In order to apply, you require both the access code and the additional PIN number that you will receive in step 2.

Access authentication data via campo

We have generated a list of all students enrolled on the cut-off date of December 1, 2022 who are in principle entitled to the allowance and have forwarded this securely in an encrypted form to the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts (StMWK), which is the central office responsible for processing applications.

We can only provide our students the individual authentication data required in order to submit an application via the central web portal once the StMWK has approved the list. This will be the case as of March 15, 2023, and your individual authentication data will be available via campo from then on. First of all, you need to log in to campo. The access code you require will be provided directly on your landing page via a portlet. If you do not have it to hand, you can also access the required PIN number in the portlet.

Depending on which of the two options for a BundID user account described above you chose in the first step, in order to submit an application successfully to the central web portal you require either

  1. only the access code (1st option) or
  2. the access code with PIN (2nd option).

In your campo portal, it looks as follows:

Screenshot aus Campo.
You can find your access code and if required also your PIN number in the portlet on


Students are responsible for applying for the one-off energy price allowance themselves. Applications must be submitted with the central web portal

  • Application form
  • Instructions for applying

There is no other option for applying. Applications must be submitted by September 30, 2023 (final deadline).

An information hotline “” is available via the central web portal.

Are former students also eligible for the payment?

Former students who were enrolled on the cut-off date of December 1, 2022 are entitled to apply, even if they have de-registered in the meantime (for example with effect from the end of winter semester 2022/23 = March 31, 2023). They can still access campo and the portlet. However, you should note that after de-registration, you need to log in locally to campo, as single sign-on (SSO) is then no longer possible.

Further information and important questions

Further information on the one-off energy price allowance is available central FAQs on the one-off energy price allowance for students as well as on the website of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.