
History (Teaching degree)

Elementary school, middle school, secondary school, grammar school

„Do you want to be able to historically contextualize the world and the environment in which you live? Do you want to know how we have become who we are? Do you enjoy working with young people? Then you should study history! In your studies, you will not only acquire extensive historical knowledge, but above all methodological skills that will enable you to independently carry out research on historical questions using sources of any kind. Pedagogical and didactic content will prepare you  for your profession as a teacher.“

What is the degree program about?

The aim of the teacher training courses is to impart basic subject-specific knowledge and methodological skills in the subject of history as well as in the didactics of history. All historical epochs (Antiquity, Middle Ages, Early Modern Times and Modern History or Contemporary History) are taken into account in the same way. The focus is on European history, but non-European areas and global aspects are now also taken into account.

The focus of the subject-specific studies is on learning and practicing subject-specific research and working methods as well as the acquisition and application of a broad historical orientation knowledge. The training and deepening of corresponding skills takes place in a competence-oriented manner using concrete historical case studies. These skills can be applied independently and creatively in the teaching profession (as well as in other fields of activity) to a variety of historical topics and subject matter.

History didactics aims to impart the ability to plan, implement, design and reflect on historical teaching and learning processes in a subject-, age- and school-specific manner.

Basically, the study and teaching of history make an essential contribution to identity formation and personal orientation in an increasingly global and multicultural world.

Since the past is also important for the present (and future), the question arises as to the sovereignty of interpretation and thus the instrumentalization of history or images of history. Sensitizing students (and pupils) to the associated risks is also an important task of the study of history.

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