Health Business Administration

Health Business Administration (MHBA)

The German healthcare sector is the largest sector of our economy, accounting for a good 13 % of the gross domestic product is generated here. The market volume is estimated at more than 440 billion euros per year, and the trend is rising. The shortcoming: Many players in the sector are inadequately prepared for the increasing economization of the industry. They have highly specialized knowledge in their respective fields, but are increasingly confronted with economic issues and economic responsibility. This is precisely where the „Master of Health Business Administration“ (MHBA) comes in.

What is the degree program about?

The German healthcare system is increasingly recognized as a growth sector. Many of the players in this industry have very specialized expertise. Due to the necessary economization in the healthcare sector, however, it is becoming increasingly important to have an interdisciplinary education and, in particular, to be familiar with economic expertise and perspectives.

This degree program is designed especially for healthcare professionals who do not have a background in economics (e. g. doctors, pharmacists, nursing specialists, medical engineers). It aims to provide specialists and managers in all areas of healthcare with advanced knowledge of business administration through a distance learning degree program for working professionals that leads to the degree „Master of Health Business Administration“. This is achieved through targeted teaching of elements of business administration that are relevant for healthcare.

Do you need help or more information?

Our Student Advice and Career Service (IBZ) is the central point of contact for all questions about studying and starting a degree programme. Our Student Service Centres and subject advisors support you in planning your studies.