Islamic Religious Education

Islamic Religious Education (Teaching degree)

Extension studies for elementary, middle, secondary and grammar schools

With the completion of this teaching degree program, you qualify to teach the subject „Islamic Education“ at Bavarian schools. You can study this degree program as part of your teaching degree, or if you have completed degree programs related to Islam.

What is the degree program about?

The extension subject Islamic Education prepares teachers to complete the subject „Islamic Education“ with the state examination (for GS, MS, RS) and to teach at public schools.

A certificate program is offered for the teaching profession at Gymnasiums.

The course content includes an examination of the religious scriptural sources of Islam, the existing traditions, developments in the history of ideas, key theological questions, selected cultural areas of Islam, non-Islamic religions, as well as religious education and the specialized didactics of Islam.

The extension subject „Islamic Education“ is interdisciplinary. By attending courses offered by neighboring reference sciences (Islamic Studies, non-Islamic theologies and religious education, religious studies, philosophy…), students should become familiar with the respective change of perspective in the subject. Being able to integrate such multi-layered approaches in a meaningful way is a prerequisite for teaching Islamic religion. There, the focus is on keeping questions alive and paths of knowledge open, which are to be explored by the adolescents as they develop their own worlds of faith.
of their own worlds of faith. The teaching should accompany them in this process and enable them to position themselves freely, but in a personally responsible way, with regard to Islam as a religion and a way of life. The study of Islamic religious education imparts the necessary basic and in-depth knowledge of Islam. Emphasis is placed on the practical aspects of life and teaching, but also on the overall social and global context. In this context, the program also has a decidedly Islamic-theological profile that goes beyond that of religious education.

Do you need help or more information?

Our Student Advice and Career Service (IBZ) is the central point of contact for all questions about studying and starting a degree programme. Our Student Service Centres and subject advisors support you in planning your studies.