Modular Studies Naturale: Natural Sciences and Sustainability

Modular Studies Naturale: Natural Sciences and Sustainability (Module studies)

The „Modulstudien Naturale: Naturwissenschaften und Nachhaltigkeit“ is an orientation program at (FAU, which you can choose to study for one or two semesters. During this time, you can take lectures, seminars and exercises from the Faculty of Natural Sciences as well as other FAU courses related to the subject area of sustainability. The courses are part of regular bachelor’s degree programs and you can take exams in them, which you can have credited to your subsequent studies if necessary. In doing so, you have full student status as defined by the Bavarian Higher Education Act.

What is the degree program about?

The „Modulstudien Naturale: Naturwissenschaften und Nachhaltigkeit“ (MSN) offer first-year students orientation for a targeted and successful entry into the Bachelor’s degree programs of the Faculty of Natural Sciences as well as the Bachelor’s degree programs of FAU related to the subject area of sustainability. They are particularly suitable as preparation for all degree programs with basic content from biology, chemistry, geosciences, mathematics and physics.

They are aimed primarily at prospective students with a university entrance qualification who have a strong interest in natural science content and/or the interdisciplinary topic of sustainability, but who do not yet want to commit themselves to a specific course of study. In the Modulstudien Naturale, you can deepen and supplement your knowledge from high school or acquire the necessary basic and interdisciplinary prerequisites for successful study.

In addition, during the module studies you can take language courses to acquire the relevant language requirements, e.g. for a semester abroad or an English-language Master’s program, or to expand your existing knowledge. Participants of the module studies are regularly enrolled students in their first university semester, but not in their first subject-related semester. However, there is no entitlement to funding according to BAföG.

Do you need help or more information?

Our Student Advice and Career Service (IBZ) is the central point of contact for all questions about studying and starting a degree programme. Our Student Service Centres and subject advisors support you in planning your studies.