
Physics (Teaching degree)

Elementary school, middle school, secondary school, grammar school

From mechanics to optics, from heat to electricity – a physics degree opens up a universe full of exciting insights. But as a future teacher, you need more than just specialist knowledge. Learn in physics didactics how to communicate your knowledge to students in an understandable way. Learn how scientific thinking is awakened and discover innovative teaching methods.

What is the degree program about?

The didactics of physics combines very diverse scientific disciplines, first and foremost physics, of course, but also philosophy, education, history, and psychology. Didactics can – following the literal translation – also contain an artistic component. As in any art, the same applies to the teaching of physics: there is neither right nor wrong. There are, however, the categories professional and unprofessional.

Professional physics teaching starts from the students‘ ideas and interests and takes into account findings about learning processes. Although there are different views on the details, there is broad agreement on one point: teaching that does not take the child into account is bad.

In addition to the student perspective, physics is the second mainstay of physics education. The school has to teach what physics actually is, and this includes current research. The Erlangen professorship for didactics of physics designs teaching and research according to these principles.

Physik #1

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