Helping guest students with starting their studies
Tutors help international students during orientation courses in order to make their stay in Germany as pleasant as possible. At events, excursions and seminars, tutors and international students learn more about each others’ cultures by sharing their experiences.
Become a tutor
Would you like to offer new students your support? Become an orientation course tutor! Tutors help newly arrived students to take care of formalities, and show them around the University and the surrounding areas. During excursions, guided tours or meet-ups at pubs, tutors introduce international students to Franconian and German culture. In exchange, among other things they get to meet and share experiences with students from many different countries and cultures. Upon request, the Central Office for International Affairs (RIA) will be happy to provide you with a certificate detailing your tasks. It is an advantage if you have studied for at least one semester at FAU before you become a tutor.
Tell us your name, your study programme and language knowledge via e-mail and we will give you further information.