Zoological Collection
FAU’s Zoological Collection

The oldest objects in the Zoological Collection were originally part of a collection of art and natural artefacts in Bayreuth created by Margrave Friedrich and bequeathed by him to the University, which he founded in 1743.
In 1812, the collection – which had grown considerably – was moved to the former Schlosskirche church, which had recently been renovated. This new museum, dubbed the Akademische Musaeum, contained departments for mineralogy, botany and zoology. The latter became the Zoological Collection in 1833. In addition to wet preparations, it includes skeletons, skins, models and wall displays.
Today the collection is housed in the Biologikum and is used for teaching and research purposes. A small selection of the objects are displayed in the area of the Biologikum that is open to the public. Other artefacts are presented during the Long Night of Sciences, in exhibitions held with various partners and in seminar projects with schools. Objects may be accessed for research projects upon request.
Over the past ten years, the collection has been expanded with private donations and new objects that have been purchased for teaching purposes.
Lehrstuhl für Entwicklungsbiologie
Staudtstr. 5
91058 Erlangen
Udo Andraschke
Telefon: +49 9131 85-20745
Tours available upon request