Invitation to FAUpostdocday
Date and registration

We are holding the FAU PostDocDay again this year.
All postdoctoral researchers at FAU are invited to join.
Date: Montag, July 22, 2024 from 9 am – 2 pm
Venue: Kollegienhaus (Senatssaal KH 01.011), Universitätsstr. 15, 91054 Erlangen (map)
This event will be held in English.
FAU PostDocDay – July 22, 2024
The purpose of the event is to provide you with some ideas for planning your academic career, to show you what support FAU provides for postdoctoral researchers and to offer a forum for exchanging ideas and information.
Gain some input and ideas for your path, get in touch with experts from FAU and get insights into an interview that usually takes place behind closed doors during appointment procedures.
09:00 am
Welcome Note |
FAU PostDocDay 2024Prof. Dr. Andreas Hirsch, Vice president PEOPLE FAU |
09:15 am
Career Options for PostDocs |
The academic career path in Germany – an OverviewDr. Silke Schnurbusch, Project manager FAUnext career program, career coach, FAU Research und Early Career Support Dr. Christian Schmitt-Engel, Head of FAU Research und Early Career Support |
10:00 am
FAU support structures |
Contact persons and offers for PostDocsDr. Janina Grosch, FAU Strategic Projects, Advisor to the Vice President PEOPLE |
10:15 am |
10:45 am
National funding options |
DFG, Foundations, BMBF – Funding sources for PostDocstba, Research representatives of the Faculties |
11:05 am
Research environment |
How to become part of a research consortiumDr. Sonja Pötzsch, FAU Research und Early Career Support |
11:25 am
European funding options |
General conditions and contact persons for EU projectsMartina May and Svenja Talv, euRO – European Research Office at FAU |
11:45 am |
Lunch Break
12:30 pm
The Appointment Process |
Insights into the Appointment Process –
02:00 pm |
Farewell |
Please address any questions about the event to:
Dr. rer. nat. Janina Grosch
- Organization: Pr-STAB (S) - Präsidialstab
- Working group: S-PROJEKT - Strategische Projekte
- Phone number: +49 9131 85-71179
- Email: janina.grosch@fau.de