Geography: Cultural Geography

Geography: Cultural Geography (B.A.)

In the study of geography, the focus is on understanding social developments and natural processes in their spatial dimensions. Students can look forward to a variety of topics, exciting field trips, and research in different countries. By combining it with another subject, you can supplement and deepen your knowledge

What is the degree program about?

Cultural Geography can be studied in the modularized two-subject Bachelor’s degree program as the first (85 ECTS) or second subject (70 ECTS) in combination with numerous other subjects of the Faculty of Humanities. A combination with political science, sociology, economics or linguistics is recommended.

During your studies you will deal with processes and contexts that affect the spatial organization and representation of societies in all parts of the world. You will first learn the basics of social and spatial theories, urban and regional development, demography and migration, intercultural interaction as well as regional and global economic processes. Here, the focus is particularly on the combination of natural and social science perspectives for a comprehensive understanding of society-environment relationships. In addition, you will be involved in the design, implementation and evaluation of surveys, mapping and the application of all other social and regional science methods.

Do you need help or more information?

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