Art History
Art History (B.A.)

Are you interested in what other peculiarities the bell tower of Pisa has, besides the fact that it is leaning? Why Michelangelo’s David was placed in front of the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence? Why Dan Brown’s theories about mysterious ciphers in Leonardo’s Last Supper leave us completely cold? Or why the discussion about Mona Lisa’s smile is long out of date? Then studying art history could be the right thing for you.
Here, not only painting, sculpture and architecture are to be closely examined, described and analyzed. Deciphering the motifs and classifying the works is also one of our exciting tasks. Different research methods and a wide-ranging knowledge of objects enable students to access even lesser-known works.
- Degree
- Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
- Duration of studies in semester
- 6
- Start of degree program
- Winter semester
- Study location
- Erlangen
- Number of students
- 250-600
- Subject group
- Art, Art Sciences
- Special ways to study
- 2-subject Bachelor, Part-time degree program
- Teaching language
- completely in German
- Admission Requirements
- No Admissions Restrictions
What is the degree program about?
Art history
– is a humanities subject that deals with artistic objects from late antiquity to the present (investigation of origin, form, content and meaning, chronological and geographic classification)
– is dedicated to all genres of art (architecture, sculpture, painting, graphic arts, decorative arts, photography, new media, etc.)
– addresses early modern, modern, and contemporary European art as well as art in non-European countries
– deals with artists and art theory as well as with the interpretation and perception of works of art
– has points of contact with many other academic disciplines, such as archaeology, book studies, history, literary studies, media and theater studies, philosophy and theology
Studying art history as a first or second subject consists of eight modules – teaching and learning units that are self-contained in terms of time and content with examinations during the course of study – amounting to 45 ECTS; these impart basic specialist knowledge of medieval, modern and contemporary art history as well as the ability to conduct independent academic work, including using the relevant methods. In the first subject, eight additional modules with a total of 45 ECTS (second subject: five modules with a total of 25 ECTS) help students to develop their individual profile. Students in the first subject also complete 20 ECTS credits related to key qualifications aimed at practical skills. Of these, 10 ECTS modules are in the elective area of art history, and a further 10 ECTS modules can be chosen freely from the wide range of other subjects.
The students will develop:
– well-founded professional competencies: knowledge of the periods, the most important artists and works, and artistic techniques, as well as important monuments and museums with a special emphasis on the Nuremberg metropolitan region.
– basic methodological competencies in art history, history, and cultural studies: formal description, content analysis, social history, philosophy of art, media history, and visual studies.
– relevant media competences: searching for, preparation, and evaluation of visual and textual sources, especially digital images, and work with digital learning platforms.
– helpful communication and presentation skills: considered and differentiated use of language and subject-specific terminology in speech and writing with regard to the mediation and presentation of visual phenomena in different media.
The study of art history is suitable for prospective students who:
– have a pronounced interest in art, culture and visual media.
– have an interest in the historical and intellectual contexts of art.
– wish to read scientific texts intensively and critically.
– would like to learn to understand the world and its history in coherent categories.
– have good powers of observation.
– have an interest in other related disciplines (interdisciplinarity).
– enjoy visiting exhibitions and traveling.
– are confident in speaking in front of other students.
Studying art history is not just about looking at pictures; writing and interpreting texts is just as important. Art history is a course that demands active participation (field trips, presentations, exhibition visits). Without discipline (careful preparation and follow-up is required), the course cannot be completed.
Our Institute:
– institute rich in tradition with over 100 years of history and close networking with museums and cultural institutions
– own library and media library
– thematically and methodologically broad range of courses from late antiquity to contemporary art
– lecturers on museum studies and monument preservation
General reasons:
– The choice of a second subject from a range of subjects in the humanities and social sciences that is unique in Germany.
– Research-oriented teaching and research-based learning
– Digital learning opportunities
– Courses with practical components (museum studies and monument preservation)
– Intensive and individual support due to a manageable number of students in the courses
– Possibility of forming one’s own academic profile through a strong elective program
Practical orientation:
– Study days
– Study in front of original works or art over several days
– Practical training
– Close cooperation with the university’s own print and drawing collection
The career fields presented here represent only a small sample of potential professional areas open to art history graduates. These include:
– Collection and exhibition management, museums (curator)
– Art and cultural institutions
– Public administration, private foundations and associations
– Journalism, publishing, communications
– Press and public relations, event management
– Preservation of historical monuments
– Art market and auction houses
– Archives and libraries
– Academia: research and teaching
– Tourism
– Cultural and art education
– Possibility to participate in the ERASMUS exchange program with the partner universities in Milan, Siena, Poitiers, Bern, Leiden, Cordòba, Oviedo.
– Workshops and lectures offered by international cooperation partners
– International excursions
Degree program combinations
- Archaeological Sciences
- Book Studies
- Business and Economics
- Chinese Studies
- Cultural History of Christianity
- Education
- English and American Studies
- German studies
- Hispanic Studies
- History
- Indo-European and Indo-Iranian Studies
- Islamic Religious Studies
- Italian Romance Studies
- Japanese Studies
- Latin Philology
- Oriental Studies
- Philosophy
- Political Science
- Scandinavian Studies (BA)
- Theater and Media Studies
Das Lehrangebot dieser Kombination ist so aufeinander abgestimmt, dass die Fächer in der Regel überschneidungsfrei miteinander kombiniert werden können.
Limited degree program combinations
- Computational Linguistics
- Digital Humanities and Social Sciences
- French Roman Studies
- Geography: Cultural Geography
- Greek Philology
- Medieval Latin and Neo-Latin
- Sociology
Diese Kombination kann nur nach einer diesbezüglichen Studienberatung studiert werden. Die Überschneidungsfreiheit kann jedoch nicht garantiert werden. Die Studierenden tragen selbst die Verantwortung für die Studierbarkeit der Kombination und die Einhaltung der Fristen des § 10. Der Nachweis einer Studienberatung ist bei der Immatrikulation vorzulegen.
- Admission requirements (first semester)
- No Admissions Restrictions
- Application deadline winter semester
Language skills
- German language skills for international applicants
- DSH 2 or equivalent
- General language skills
Demonstrate sufficient proficiency in two foreign languages, including English, by the end of the 4th semester.
- Details and notes
The application deadline for the winter semester for international applicants is July 15th.
In addition to the general qualification for university entrance (Abitur), there are other access options for studying at FAU.
Do you need help or more information?
Our Student Advice and Career Service (IBZ) is the central point of contact for all questions about studying and starting a degree programme. Our Student Service Centres and subject advisors support you in planning your studies.