Development Economics and International Studies (DEIS)

Development Economics and International Studies (DEIS) (M.A.)

The degree program in economics taught in English “Master of Arts in Development Economics and International Studies” (MA DEIS) improves your knowledge and skills for pursuing a career in public, charitable and private organizations. Whether you would like to work in a management position or at the interface of research and practice or whether you intend to pursue a career in academia, MA DEIS is the perfect preparation. Delve into challenging topics, explore current developments and acquire the subject knowledge you need in order to be able to tackle complex global challenges.

What is the degree program about?

The “Master of Arts in Development Economics and International Studies” (MA DEIS) is an economics-orientated degree program that aims to improve the knowledge and skills of students who intend to work in public, charitable and private organizations for international collaboration and development or who are aiming for a managerial position. It is also aimed at students who would like to work at the interface of research and practice, as well as those who hope to pursue an academic career in subjects related to the degree program.

The program lasts two years (four semesters), providing students with a rigorous education in analytical, qualitative and quantitative methods. Due to the increasing availability of microdata (e.g. data at the household or company level) and the significance of evidence-based policymaking, students learn how to conduct applied empirical work in the (development) economy, with the focus on evaluating the impact. They cover experimental methods, such as randomized field experiments, and quasi-experimental methods. The program teaches students the skills to understand much of the empirical literature in development economics. As part of their training, students are taught how to use the statistics software Stata, which enables them to conduct their own empirical analyses.

Each year, approximately 20-25 students enroll on the program, with 50-70% of students coming from abroad. The degree program is taught in English.

Do you need help or more information?

Our Student Advice and Career Service (IBZ) is the central point of contact for all questions about studying and starting a degree programme. Our Student Service Centres and subject advisors support you in planning your studies.