
Linguistics (M.A.)

Do you already have a Bachelor’s degree in linguistics or a related subject? Are you greatly interested in language, in human language abilities and the mechanisms behind language systems and speech acts? Then the Master’s degree program in linguistics offers the perfect opportunity for broadening and expanding your knowledge.

What is the degree program about?

This degree program is aimed at students who are interested in languages, in the function and transition of language systems, and in how people deal with language. The degree program does not focus on one particular language. The main focus is on German, English and Romance languages, with other languages covered to some extent. Students have the opportunity to specialize in either applied and descriptive linguistics or historical linguistics and variation, depending on their own interests.

The main topics of the degree program are grammar and grammatical theory, language change and language variation, research on multilingualism, language acquisition, and lexicography. In-depth study of empirical methods in linguistics used in areas such as corpus linguistics plays a key role.

On the basis of these topics, students gain further knowledge of language and languages, their structure and their history as they work intensively with methods of analyzing and describing language. Students are encouraged to analyze linguistic utterances and theoretical and methodological concepts critically, and to take a critical approach to theoretical and corpus-based research. Due to close links between research and teaching, there is also an opportunity to take part in current research projects and for the students to explore possible specializations they may be interested in.

Do you need help or more information?

Our Student Advice and Career Service (IBZ) is the central point of contact for all questions about studying and starting a degree programme. Our Student Service Centres and subject advisors support you in planning your studies.