
Philosophy (B.A.)

Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of philosophy! You’ll explore questions about human life and coexistence that have been asked for millennia. Explore the diversity of philosophical texts and experience the tension between historical depth and modern debates. At the Erlangen Institute of Philosophy, you’ll develop intellectual flexibility, ethical awareness, and analytical acuity.

What is the degree program about?

„What should I do?“, „What does a good life consist of?“, „What is justice?“, „What do we owe to future generations?“, „What is beauty?“, „What exists?“, „Does God exist?“, „What can I know?“, „What is science?“, „What is a good argument?“, „What is the relationship between language, thought and reality?“, „Are we free?“

Philosophy has always asked questions that deal with the existential conditions of human life and coexistence. In the study of philosophy, you will address these and similar questions through intensive study of philosophical texts.

Philosophy can look back on 2500 years of history. At the same time, it is a modern science with a multitude of subject-oriented debates. At the Erlangen Institute of Philosophy you will get to know the subject in its historical breadth from antiquity to the present. On the other hand, you will deal with current philosophical theories in an argumentative way during your studies.

In the course of the BA program in Philosophy, you will acquire the necessary knowledge and skills. These include intellectual history education, sharpened ethical problem awareness, structured thinking, analytical skills, sharpness of argumentation and a high degree of interpretation and writing competence.


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