Arts and humanities
Structured doctoral programmes - Arts and humanities
Business and Human Rights: Governance Challenges in a Complex World (IDP B&HR_Governance)
Human rights, transnational economic relations, corporate responsibility, labour migration, sustainability, digital transformation
Doctoral degree
Dr. jur., Dr. rer. pol., Dr. phil.
Language of degree programme
Programme duration
4 years
The international doctoral programme ‘Business and Human Rights: Governance Challenges in a Complex World’ is funded by the Elite Network of Bavaria and offers places for 12 doctoral candidates, employed by FAU on the basis of 2/3 of an E13/A13 position. The programme covers a wide range of topics and methods in its curriculum, and candidates profit from intense supervision by university lecturers at FAU, as well the partner universities in Bayreuth and Würzburg.
FAU contacts and information about the programme
Prof. Dr. Markus Krajewski
Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law
Chair of Public Law and International Law (Prof. Dr. Krajewski)
- Phone number: +49 9131 85-22259
- Email:
Dimensions of Constructional Space (DFG GRK 2839)
construction grammar, linguistics, empirical linguistics, cognitive linguistics, constructicon
Doctoral degree
Dr. phil.
Language of degree program
Program duration
3 years
FAU contacts and information about the program
The sentimental in literature, culture and politics (DFG RTG 2726)
Sentimentality, interdisciplinarity, cultural comparisons, cultural specifics, humanities and social sciences
Doctoral degree
Supervision agreement Dr. phil.
Language of degree program
English and German
Program duration
3 years
Information about call for applications and the program is available at
Special features
Integrated practical module in cooperation with partners in the region and beyond, which outlines potential professional fields for fellows outside of research or a university setting.
FAU contacts and information about the program
EmpkinS: Empatho-Kinaesthetic Sensory Systems (DFG MGK RTG 1483)
Medical engineering; touch-free radar, wireless and camera-based sensor technologies; AI; signal and data processing; biochemical modelling; patient-centred options for diagnosis and treatment; ethical considerations
Doctoral degree
Dr. phil., Dr. rer. biol. hum., Dr.-Ing.
Language of degree programme
Programme duration
3 years
The doctoral supervisor makes the application for admission. Applications submitted to coordinator Heike Leutheuser, the decision is taken by the coordination team of EmpkinS IRTG.
- Interdisciplinary collaboration and training (engineering, medicine, psychology, ethics)
- Subject-related and interdisciplinary skills and soft skills
- Annual one week long winter school
- Support with research publications, conferences, congresses and research stays abroad
- Personal supervision agreement with two supervisors
- International networking including funding for a research stay abroad and participation in conferences
- Gender equality measures
Similar doctoral programmes
- Graduate school in Advanced Optical Technologies
- Graduate school in Life Sciences Life@FAU
- RTG 2423
- Research training group integrated into SFB 1181
- International Max Planck Research School ‘Physics of Light’
- Max Planck School of Photonics
FAU contacts and information about the programme
Prof. Dr. Björn Eskofier
Department Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Engineering (AIBE)
Lehrstuhl für Maschinelles Lernen und Datenanalytik
- Email:
Dr.-Ing. Heike Leutheuser
Department Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Engineering (AIBE)
Lehrstuhl für Maschinelles Lernen und Datenanalytik
- Phone number: +49 9131 85-20284
- Email:
Research Training Group Figuratio Mundi
- Middle Ages, Renaissance
- Germany, France, Italy
- history, language history, literature history, art history
Doctoral degree
Dr. phil. (Cotutelle)
Language of degree programme
German, possibly also French and Italian
Programme duration
3 years
All details about how to apply are available at You can write an e-mail at any time to or
Collaboration between FAU, Université Clermont Auvergne and Università di Pisa; funding provided by the Franco-German university (travel scholarships); interdisciplinary supervision by German, French and Italian experts in the field.
FAU contacts and information about the programme
Prof. Dr. Ludwig Fesenmeier
Department of Romance Languages
Professur für Romanistik, insbesondere Sprachwissenschaft (Prof. Dr. Fesenmeier)
- Phone number: +49 9131 85-22431
- Email:
Research Training Group for Human Rights and Ethics in Geriatric Medicine
Human rights, ethics, medicine, the elderly, autonomy, medical law
Doctoral degree
Dr. phil., Dr. med., Dr. jur.
Course language
Programme duration
3.5 years
Information about any new calls for applications is available on the group’s website.
Specific conditions
No strict time limits, financial support provided by Josef and Luise Kraft Foundation (Munich), each candidate is mentored by two mentors (interdisciplinary), cooperation with various institutions: Centre for Human Rights Erlangen-Nürnberg (CHREN), Clinical Ethics Committee at Universitätsklinikum Erlangen (KEK) etc.
Fine Arts colloquium
History of art (medieval to contemporary), support with finding subjects for doctoral research and conducting independent research
Doctoral degree
Dr. phil.
Course language
German and English
Programme duration
Approximately 3 years
Application procedure
Online via StudOn (password required)
Specific conditions
Transdisciplinary focus, joint excursions and visits to exhibitions, intensive mentoring, support with organising research trips abroad and applying for scholarships
Similar doctoral programmes
Doctoral programme – Media, Books and Visual Studies at the IMZ
FAU contact person and information about the programme
Prof. Dr. Christina Strunck
Department of Theatre- and Mediascience
Institut für Kunstgeschichte
- Phone number: +49 9131 85-22395
- Email:
Prof. Dr. Hans Dickel
Department of Theatre- and Mediascience
Institut für Kunstgeschichte
- Email:
Prof. Dr. Heidrun Stein-Kecks
Department of Theatre- and Mediascience
Institut für Kunstgeschichte
- Email:
Doctoral programme – Modelling cultural history using the Germanisches Nationalmuseum as an example: Investigation concepts for the 21st century
Art and cultural studies, modelling cultural history, Germanisches Nationalmuseum, practical relevance, current investigation concepts
Doctoral degree
Dr. phil., Dr. theol.
Course language
Programme duration
4 years
Closed since 1 June 2017
Seven doctoral scholarships and one postdoctoral scholarship, funded by the VW-Stiftung (VW Foundation) in cooperation with the Germanisches Nationalmuseum
FAU contact person and information about the programme
Prof. Dr. Christina Strunck
Department of Theatre- and Mediascience
Institut für Kunstgeschichte
- Phone number: +49 9131 85-22395
- Email:
Doctoral programme - Gerontology programme of the ICA (Interdisciplinary Centre for Research into Ageing)
Ageing and technology, nutrition in old age, physical frailty, adjustments in old age, dementia, depression in old age
Doctoral degree
Dr. phil. and Dr. rer. biol. hum.
Course language
German and English
Programme duration
2 to 3 years, depending on the doctoral degree
Application procedure
Application through the first supervisor of the doctoral thesis if this person is also a member of the structured programme or the Interdisciplinary Centre for Research into Ageing. Direct applications are not possible.
Specific conditions
No scholarships are available through the programme itself but active support is given to doctoral candidates applying for them.
FAU contact person and information about the programme
Prof. Dr. Frieder R. Lang
Institut of Psychogerontology
Chair of Psychogerontology
- Phone number: +4909115302-96102
- Email:
Dr. Roland Rupprecht, Akad. Dir.
Institut of Psychogerontology
Chair of Psychogerontology
- Phone number: +4909115302-96106
- Email:
Doctoral programme research into teaching and learning at the Central Institute for Research on Teaching and Learning (ZiLL)
Empirical method skills, academic professionalisation, academic exchange and discussion, support for participation in relevant conferences, ZiLL research colloquium, method training
Doctoral degree
Dr. phil.
Course language
Programme duration
Generally 4 semesters
Application procedure
Applications to be submitted to Dr. Florian Hoffmann
Specific conditions
The doctoral degree must be completed before the programme certificate is issued.
FAU contact person and information about the programme
Dr. Florian Hofmann, Akad. ORat
Institute of Educational Science
Chair of Educational Theory for School (Prof. Dr. Gläser-Zikuda)
- Phone number: 09115302-95747
- Email:
Doctoral programme - Literature and Culture
Interdisciplinarity, cultural and literary theory, methods of cultural and literary studies and gender theory, cultural and literary history
Doctoral degree
Dr. phil.
Course language
Programme duration
3 years
Application procedure
By email to the programme co-ordinator with confirmation from the supervisor and a letter of motivation
Specific conditions
Integration of young researchers in research activities at interdisciplinary centres (e.g. involvement in lecture series and poetry lectures)
Similar doctoral programmes
Doctoral programme – Media, Books and Visual Studies at the IMZ
FAU contact person and information about the programme
Prof. Dr. Sabine Friedrich
Department of Romance Languages
Chair of Romance Language Philology (Prof. Dr. Friedrich)
- Phone number: +49 9131 85-29365
- Email:
Doctoral programme - Media, Books and Visual Studies at the IMZ (Interdisciplinary Centre for Media Studies)
Media, cultural history, communication, interdisciplinarity, image, book
Doctoral degree
Dr. phil.
Course language
German and English
Programme duration
3 to 5 years
Application procedure
Candidates must be nominated by a professor involved with the IMZ
Specific conditions
Interdisciplinary mentoring, only conceptual and specialised support
FAU contact person and information about the programme
Prof. Dr. Kay Kirchmann
Institut für Theater- und Medienwissenschaft
Lehrstuhl für Medienwissenschaft (Prof. Dr. Kirchmann)
- Phone number: 0913185-2935029220
- Email:
Research training group − Literature and the public sphere in different contemporary cultures (DFG, RTG 2806)
Literary attention-getting strategies, public spheres, material culture, ethics and politics, diversity
Doctoral degree
Dr. phil.
Language of degree program
German, English
Program duration
6 semesters
Current calls for applications
Special features
The degree program includes an obligatory 6 to 12 week internship at the RTG’s external partner institutions as well as the option of spending time studying abroad at international departments working in partnership with the RTG.
FAU contacts and information about the program
Prof. Dr. Antje Kley (speaker)
Prof. Dr. Dirk Niefanger (speaker)