Mathematics and natural sciences
Structured doctoral programmes - Mathematics and natural sciences
Molecular Communications, Polymersomes, Targeted Drug Delivery, Magnetic Particle Steering, Olfactory Systems
Doctoral degree
Dr.-Ing., Dr. rer. nat
Program duration
4 years maximum
Language of degree program
How to apply
Application in a PDF file that includes a letter of motivation (max. 1 page) detailing which supervisor the application is addressed to and for which project, a CV (max. 2 pages), and copies of final certificates and the transcript of records to
Special features
Interdisciplinary research with interdisciplinary and structured mentoring program, interdisciplinary networking, structured qualification program, regular RTG seminars, workshops and retreats, funding for participation in international conferences and research stays abroad, startup grants, no scholarships
FAU contact and information about the program
PD Dr. Anna Maria Becker via
Neuromechanics, brain mechanics, cerebral mechanics, spinal mechanics, neurocellular mechanics
Doctoral degree
Doctoral degree: Dr.-Ing., Dr. rer. nat. and Dr. rer. biol. hum.
Language of degree program
Program duration
3 years
The current call for applications with further details on the doctoral research positions.
Special features
The program is currently in its first phase of funding until the end of 2026. Alternative funding must be arranged for completing any doctoral degrees that have not been finished by then.
Similar doctoral programs
Erlangen Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technologies (SAOT), Graduate School of Life Sciences at FAU (Life@FAU), (GRK1896) In situ Microscopy with Electrons, X-rays, and Scanning Probes, (GRK2423) Fracture across Scales, (IGRK2495) Energy Conversion Systems, (GRK2162) Development and Vulnerability of the CNS
FAU contacts and information about the program
plastics, circular-economy, recycling, sensor technologies, odor, environment
Doctoral degree
Dr. rer. nat., PhD
Language of degree programme
The C-Planet programme guarantees PhD funding is for 36 months.
Call for applicants was closed on April, 30. If you are interested to collaborate with us please contact
Financial support will be granted in accordance with the Marie-Skłodowska-Curie Action regulations for Early Stage Researchers. The guaranteed PhD funding is for 36 months (i.e. EC funding, additional funding is possible, depending on the local Supervisor, and in accordance with the regular PhD time in the country of origin). In addition to their individual scientific projects, all fellows will benefit from further continuing education, which includes internships and secondments, a variety of training modules as well as transferable skills courses and active participation in workshops and conferences.
FAU contact person and information about the programme
Prof. Dr. Andrea Büttner, Chair for Aroma and Smell Research
Product design, particle technology, continuous processes, nanomaterials, optical properties, materials science and engineering, new characterisation methods, modelling, simulation and optimisation
Doctoral degree
Dr. rer. nat., Dr. Ing.
Language of degree programme
Programme duration
3-4 years
Applications must be made according to the procedure described on the integrated research training group’s website ( Decisions are made based on a two-stage selection process.
16 doctoral candidates with funding, close monitoring due to dual mentoring programmes, intensive international networking, promotion of equal opportunities, complementary workshops and soft skills seminars, financing of conference trips and research stays
Similar doctoral programmes
GRK 1896, GRK 2423, GS-AMP, GSMS, MGK-TRR154
FAU contact person and information about the programme
Speaker: Prof. Robin N. Klupp Taylor, MEng, DPhil (Oxon),
Coordinator: Dr. Monica Distaso,
Pharmaceutical science, molecular medicine, molecular science, pharmacology, food chemistry, biochemistry
Doctoral degree
Dr. rer. nat.
Course Language
Programme duration
Approximately 3 to 5 years
Application procedure
Doctoral candidates should submit an application with the support of their supervisor.
Specific conditions
Mentoring, presentations, research day, attendance at talks, participation in lectures, soft skills courses
Similar doctoral programmes
Research Training Group 1910 – Medicinal chemistry of selective GPCR ligands
FAU contact person and information about the programme
Prof. Dr. Markus Heinrich
Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Professor of Medicinal Chemistry (Prof. Dr. Heinrich)
- Phone number: +49 9131 85-65670
- Email:
Energy, Energy Conversion, Electro-optical, electro-mechanical, lead-free perovskite, piezoelectric
Doctoral degree
Dr.-Ing., Dr. rer. nat.
Course Language
Programme duration
3 Jahre
Application procedure
Application procedure is detailed on the website. Application process is done in a two-step method.
Specific conditions
International research training group with Partners in Nagoya Institute of Technology, extended research visits to Japan, qualification programme that includes various training activities, such as tutorials, block lectures, hands-on workshops, and a collaborative project, financing for participation in international conferences, full positions, bridging funding
Thematically similar doctoral programs
SAOT – Erlangen Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technologies
FRASCAL: Fracture across Scales (GRK 2423)
In situ Mikroskopie mit Elektronen, Röntgenstrahlen und Rastersonden (GRK 1896)
FAU contact person and information about the programme
Prof. Dr. Kyle Grant Webber
- Phone number: +49 9131 85-27551
- Email:
Speaker of Graduateschool GRK 2495
CNS, vulnerability, neural development, neurodegeneration, neuropsychiatric illnesses
Doctoral degree
Dr. rer. nat., Dr. med.
Course Language
Programme duration
Approximately 3 years
Application procedure
By email to More information about the application procedure can be found on the research training group website
Specific conditions
Ten financially supported neuroscience doctoral candidates, ten associated neuroscience doctoral candidates, close mentoring by the doctoral committee, one financed post-doctoral post, intensive national and international networking, scholarships for medical doctoral candidates, rotation post for physicians, equal opportunities funding, complementary workshops and soft skills seminars, financing of conference trips
Similar doctoral programmes
Doctoral Academy of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Clinical Research (IZKF)
FAU contact person and information about the programme
Prof. Dr. Dieter Chichung Lie
91054 Erlangen
- Phone number: +49 9131 85-22264
- Email:
Optical technologies, optical measurement techniques, optical material processing, optics in medicine, optical materials and systems, optics in information and telecommunications technology, computer-assisted optics, optics in life sciences
Doctoral degree
Dr.-Ing., Dr. rer. nat., Dr. rer. biol.hum.
Course Language
Programme duration
3 to 4 years
Application procedure
Submit applications to Dr. Johannes Knorr
Specific conditions
Financial support (scholarship), mentoring, English, interdisciplinary, credit points system
Similar doctoral programmes
International Max Planck Research School Physics of Light (IMPRS-PL)
FAU contact person and information about the programme
Immunology, adaptive immun response, RNA, B-Cells, T-Cells
Doctoral degree
Dr. rer. nat., Dr. med.
Course language
German, English
Programme duration
Initially 4.5 years, duration of doctoral degree: Fast-track Dr.rer.nat. doctoral candidates 1 year, Dr.rer.nat. doctoral candidates 3 years, doctoral candidates 1.5 years.
Application procedure
Further information about the application procedure
Specific conditions
Fast track option, learning interdisciplinary specialist skills, structured programme with mentoring, introduction of electronic laboratory book.
Similar doctoral programmes
Integrated Research Training Group „B cells and beyond“ (IRTG TRR130)
FAU contact person and information about the programme
Natalie Schröter
Department of Medicine 3
Division of Immunolgy (Prof. Dr. Jäck)
- Phone number: +49 9131 85-39338
- Email:
Fractures across multiple scales, multiscale simulations, mechanics, materials science, mathematics, chemistry, physics
Doctoral degree
Dr.-Ing., Dr. rer. nat.
Course Language
Programme duration
3 years
Application procedure
Applications must be made according to the procedure described on the research training group’s website. Decisions are made based on a two-stage selection process.
Interdisciplinary mentoring, interdisciplinary networking, regular RTG qualification days, RTG retreats and RTG workshops, support for international conference participation and research visits, full-time positions, startup grants
FAU contact person and information about the programme
Process engineering, technical chemistry, materials science, materials technology, physical and theoretical chemistry, chemical solid state and surface research, analytics, method development, physics of condensed matter, modeling, simulation and optimization
Doctoral degree
Dr.-Ing., Dr. rer.nat.
Course Language
Programme duration
3 to 4 years
Application procedure
Applications only possible for doctoral students at FAU from the area of new materials and processes
Specific conditions
Interdisciplinary mentoring, interdisciplinary networking, alumni experiences, support for participation in international conferences
Similar doctoral programmes
FRASCAL, CLINT, ParSciTech, IGK 2495, RTG 1896 und Graduate School Molecular Science (GSMS)
FAU contact person and information about the programme
Ina Viebach
FAU Kompetenzzentren
FAU Competence Center Engineering of Advanced Materials (FAU EAM)
- Phone number: +49 9131 85-70475
- Email:
Molecules, materials, chemistry, pharmacy, model systems, computer chemistry
Doctoral degree
Dr. rer. nat., Dr.-Ing.
Course Language
Programme duration
Generally 3 years
Application procedure
The doctoral supervisor makes the application for admission. Please submit your application to Prof. Jux. The decision is made by the recruitment committee.
Specific conditions
No scholarships, financing of national and international conference visits/workshops/research trips, annual winter school
Similar doctoral programmes
Graduate School Advanced Materials and Processes (GS AMP) and Research Training Group 1896
FAU contact person and information about the programme
apl. Prof. Dr. Norbert Jux
Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Chair of Organic Chemistry II (Prof. Dr. Hirsch)
- Phone number: +49 9131 85-65583
- Email:
Prof. Dr. Andreas Hirsch
Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Chair of Organic Chemistry II (Prof. Dr. Hirsch)
- Phone number: +49 9131 85-65581
- Email:
Research into the communication between epithelial and immune cells in chronic inflammatory bowel diseases
Doctoral degree
Dr. rer. nat., Dr. med.
Language of degree programme
Programme duration
3-4 years for Dr.rer.nat candidates
1 year in each case with a doctoral scholarship for medical doctoral candidates
Please send your application (CV and letter of motivation) to ina.schlelein@uk-erlangen (responsible for Erlangen) or Erika.Bü (responsible for Berlin).
Each doctoral candidate receives support from one supervisor and two project managers (one from Erlangen and one from Berlin), regular exchanges of research results in webinars, annual PhD retreat, guest speaker seminars, laboratory courses, training workshops, PR, financial support for participation in national and international congresses, doctoral scholarships for medical doctoral candidates
Similar doctoral programmes
Life@FAU – Graduate School for Life Sciences
FAU contact person and information about the programme
PD Dr. med. habil. Imke Atreya, (
Department of Medicine 1
Ina Schlelein (
Department of Medicine 1
Influence of the immune microtope (tissue context, microenvironmental factors, metabolism) on the antimicrobial immune defence and the evasion of bacteria, fungi, and parasites: Infection – immune cell-pathogen interaction – microenvironment – metabolism – microbial persistence
Doctoral degree
Dr. rer. nat., Dr. med.
Language of degree programme
Programme duration
Dr. rer. nat., Dr. rer. biol. Hum.: 3 years
Dr. med.: qualification phase in conjunction with medical studies, experimental phase (12 months free semester + semester breaks before and after), evaluation phase in conjunction with studies
Call for applications will start soon at as well as at
Funding begins: 01.01.2022
International laboratory exchange, annual retreat, international symposium (every 2 years), international guest speaker seminars and colloquia, wide range of methodological training (including mass spectrometry, metabolism and bioinformatics)
Similar doctoral programmes
Novel antiviral approaches from small molecules to immune intervention (RTG 2504)
FAU contacts and information about the programme
Prof. Dr. med. Christian Bogdan
Phone: +49 9131 85-22551
Scientific coordination:
Dr. rer. nat. Ilka Knippertz
Phone: +49 9131 85-22571
Mathematical modelling, analysis and simulation of phenomena in natural sciences and engineering that involve interfaces or complex structures, e.g. multi-phase flows, interactions between fluids and structures, homogenisation of porous media, micro and macro models of complex fluids; mathematics of models derived as singular limits, e.g. shell models or rod models, thin films.
Doctoral degree
Dr. rer. nat.
Programme duration
3 years
Application procedure
Positions are advertised on the group’s website.
Specific conditions
Research training group across different locations (with the University of Regensburg), doctoral candidates are each mentored by two supervisors, seminar every two weeks, specially designed doctorate courses, international guest and exchange programme, summer and winter schools, courses on professional skills.
Similar doctoral programmes
Doctoral programme – Mathematics
Research Training Group integrated into TRR 154
FAU contact person and information about the programme
Prof. Dr. Günther Grün
Department of Mathematics
Professorship of Applied Mathematics (Analysis and Numerics of Partial Differential Equations) (Prof. Dr. Grün)
- Phone number: +49 9131 85-67220
- Email:
Research topics: Photonics, Nonlinear Optics, Quantum Optics, Laser Spectroscopy, Machine Learning, Fibre Optics, Nano-Optics, Microscopy, Plasmonics, Biophotonics, Telecommunication, Optomechanics
Doctoral degree
Dr. rer. nat., Dr.-Ing.
Course Language
Programme duration
3 years +1 year (maximum 4 years)
Application procedure
Information on applying for the doctoral programme
Specific conditions
Structured curriculum, working language English, excellent research environment, international and interdisciplinary environment, financial support, soft skills courses, individual supervisor for each doctoral candidate, non-scientific support coordination office, social events
Similar doctoral programmes
International Max Planck Research School Physics of Light (IMPRS-PL)
FAU contact person and information about the programme
IMPRS-PL coordination office: Heike Schwender and Kimberly Baumeister
Research topics: Cell Biology, Physiology, Immunology, Neuroscience, Anatomy and Histopathology, Biochemistry and Genetics, Fluid Dynamics and Microfluids, Concepts of Statistical Physics, Optics and Imaging, Cell and Tissue Mechanics, Artificial Intelligence
Doctoral degree
Dr. rer. nat., Dr.-Ing., Dr. rer. biol. hum., Dr. med.
Course Language
Programme duration
3 years +1 year (maximum 4 years)
Application procedure
Information on applying for the doctoral programme
Specific conditions
Structured curriculum, working language English, excellent research environment, international and interdisciplinary environment, financial support, soft skills courses, individual supervisor for each doctoral candidate, non-scientific support coordination office, social events
Similar doctoral programmes
International Max Planck Research School Physics of Light (IMPRS-PL)
FAU contact person and information about the programme
IMPRS coordination office: Heike Schwender and Kimberly Baumeister
glacier, climate change, surveying, Earth observation, modelling, machine learning
Doctoral degree
Dr. rer. nat., Dr.-Ing.
Language of degree programme
Programme duration
4 years, starting 1 June 2022
International and national calls for applications via various mailing lists and other channels.
Special features
International teams of supervisors; interdisciplinary programme involving several different areas (geography, geophysics, geology, mathematics, electrical engineering, computer science); doctoral candidates are explicitly expected to spend time abroad as part of the programme; spread over various locations with sub-projects run at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Technical University of Munich, Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities and the DLR Microwaves and Radar Institute; accompanying curriculum consisting of interdisciplinary seminars, workshops and annual retreats as well as specific courses depending on the candidates’ previous knowledge when starting the IDP.
FAU contacts and information about the programme
Prof. Dr. Matthias Braun
Department of Geography
Professur für Geographie (Fernerkundung und GIS) (Prof. Dr. Braun)
- Phone number: +49 9131 85-22015
- Email:
Structured training programme, networking between doctoral candidates, training in methodology and soft skills, taking an organised approach to scientific work, insights into other scientific fields
Doctoral degree
Dr. rer. nat., Dr. rer. biol. hum.
Course Language
German and English
Programme duration
Whilst candidates are working on their doctoral degree
Applications should be sent to the Life@FAU office
The IZKF research training group has joined the Graduate School for Life Sciences (Life@FAU). Life@FAU is tasked with creating minimum standards for training doctoral candidates in life sciences and providing structured training now and in the future
FAU contact person and information about the programme
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Christoph Becker
Department of Medicine 1
Professur für Molekulare Gastroenterologie (Prof. Dr. Becker)
- Phone number: 0913185358868535874
- Email:
IZKF office
- Phone number: +49 9131 85-46842
- Email:
Anne Reichel
Krankenhausstraße 12
91054 Erlangen
- Phone number: +49 9131 85-46843
- Email:
Promoting structured training of doctoral candidates at FAU, creating minimum standards for training doctoral candidates in life sciences , providing structured training now and in the future
Doctoral degree
Dr. rer. nat., Dr. biol. hum., Dr. med., Dr. med. dent.
Course Language
German and English
Programme duration
Whilst candidates are working on their doctoral degree
Applicants for Life@FAU must be working on a doctoral thesis focusing on a medical, biological or biophysical topic. Applications should be sent to the Life@FAU office.
FAU contact person and information about the programme
Kathrin Neufang
Fachabteilung Forschungsfinanzierung (Fe)
- Phone number: +49 9131 85-46842
- Email:
Anne Reichel
Fachabteilung Forschungsfinanzierung (Fe)
- Phone number: +49 9131 85-46843
- Email:
Life@FAU office
- Phone number: +49 9131 85-46842
- Email:
Focused integration of the mathematical branches of modelling, simulation and optimisation using the example of gas networks, modelling and analysis of complex networks of hyperbolic balance equations, including switches, development of a mixed integer optimisation theory and its algorithmic implementation for complex networks, numerical approximation of algebraically linked PDEs including error management, optimal control of systems with deterministic or stochastic uncertainty
Doctoral degree
Dr. rer. nat.
Course Language
German and English
Programme duration
Approximately 3 years
Application procedure
Applications for doctoral scholarship (6-12 months) can be made at any time within the SFB Transregio 154
Specific conditions
Intensive academic support from two mentors, trans-regional summer and winter schools, regular talks and block courses by guest academics, lecture series adapted to the location and tailored to the thematic focal points of TRR 154, networking, international conference visits, overseas trips, excursions
Similar doctoral programmes
Doctoral programme – Mathematics
FAU contact person and information about the programme
Prof. Dr. Frauke Liers
Department of Data Science (DDS)
Professorship of Optimization under Uncertainty & Data Analysis (Prof. Dr. Liers)
- Phone number: +49 9131 85-67151
- Email:
Medicinal chemistry, materials research, G-protein coupled receptors, selective receptor ligands, computer chemistry, pharmacology
Doctoral degree
Dr. rer. nat.
Course Language
Programme duration
3 years
Application procedure
Vacant posts will be advertised on the research training group website in due course.
Specific conditions
Research training group across different locations (with the University of Regensburg), job pool includes DFG-financed doctoral and postdoctoral posts
FAU contact person and information about the programme
Prof. Dr. Peter Gmeiner
Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Chair of Medicinal Chemistry (Prof. Dr. Gmeiner)
- Phone number: +49 9131 85-65547
- Email:
Dr. Stefan Löber
Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Chair of Medicinal Chemistry (Prof. Dr. Gmeiner)
- Phone number: +49 9131 85-65602
- Email:
Allogeneic stem cell transplantation, transplant immunology, graft-versus-leukaemia effect, graft-versus-host disease, T-cells
Doctoral degree
Dr. rer. nat., Dr. med.
Programme duration
4 years
1 year in the case of a doctoral scholarship for medical doctoral candidates
Course Language
German and English
Please apply directly to the individual coordinators responsible for each part of the project
Integrated mentoring programme, annual retreat, international symposium organised by students, training workshops, seminars, insight into clinical practice through patient seminars, exchange programmes among participating universities (Würzburg, Regensburg, Erlangen), doctoral scholarship for medical doctoral candidates
Similar doctoral programmes
- Transregio CRC – B-cells:Immunity and autoimmunity (TRR 130)
- Research Training Group 1660 – Key signals of adaptive immune response
- IRTG 1181 – Switching points for resolving inflammation
FAU contact person and information about the programme
Prof. Dr. med. Anita Kremer
Medizinische Klinik 5 - Hämatologie und Internistische Onkologie
Lehrstuhl für Hämatologie / Internistische Onkologie
- Email:
Using and designing antiviral small molecules, immune cell-mediated antiviral effects and antibody-based approaches for fighting persistent virus infections (e.g. HIV, herpes viruses)
Doctoral degree
Dr. rer. nat., Dr. med.
Language of degree programme
Programme duration
Dr. rer. nat.: 3 years
Dr. med.: qualification phase in conjunction with medical studies, experimental phase (free semester + semester breaks before and after), evaluation phase in conjunction with studies
Regular calls for applications:
International collaboration with the Ragon Institute (Boston, USA), annual retreat, supervision committee for each doctoral candidate, travel grants for conferences, workshops, guest speaker seminars, RTG colloquiums with representatives from industry, PR work
Similar doctoral programmes
Life@FAU – Graduate School for Life Sciences
IRTG 1181 – Switching points for resolving inflammation
FAU contacts and information about the programme
Prof. Dr. med. Klaus Überla
phone: +49 9131 85-23563
Elite degree programme, physics, integrated doctoral programme, research-orientated, co-operation with the University of Regensburg
Doctoral degree
Dr. rer. nat.
Programme duration
From 3rd/4th semester of Bachelor’s degree programme through to completion of doctoral degree (5.5 + 1.5 years)
Application procedure
Online via the programme website
Specific conditions
Elite Network of Bavaria programme, degree programme with a marked focus on research, special events on topics such as project management, patent law or presentation techniques, the students in the annual intake on the elite degree course spend one year studying together (one semester in Erlangen and one in Regensburg), extensive workshops, option to spend time abroad, teaching language is English
No overlaps with other programmes
FAU contact person and information about the programme
Prof. Dr. Kristina Giesel
Institute of Theoretical Physics
Professur für Theoretische Physik (Prof. Dr. Giesel)
- Phone number: +49 9131 85-28470
- Email:
Mathematics and mathematical research as an entity, mathematical and scientific training and advanced training, individual supervision
Doctoral degree
Dr. rer. nat.
Course Language
German and English
Programme duration
Four semesters with the opportunity to extend by 1 year twice
Application procedure
The informal application (see the programme statutes) must include a two-page, brief academic description of the doctoral project signed by both the doctoral candidate and supervisor
Specific conditions
Support with applying for scholarships, help with interdisciplinary networking within FAU and at the international level, intensified contact and
academic exchanges with other doctoral candidates, at least one all-day doctoral colloquium every year, additional certificate if the doctoral candidate
has given two lectures during the doctoral colloquiums or symposiums, participated in two doctoral symposiums, including mini courses, and attended at least two professional soft skills courses offered by the FAU Graduate Centre.
Research Training Group integrated into TRR 154
FAU contact person and information about the programme
investigating the quantum collective behaviour of physical systems at the interface of quantum optics and condensed matter, experimental and theoretical physics, correlated light-matter systems, quantum technologies
Doctoral degree
Dr. rer. nat.
Language of degree programme
Programme duration
3-4 years
Online application:
Opportunity to complete lab-rotation internships, different qualification programmes (e.g. monthly doctoral seminar, block lectures, soft-skill-seminars, …), annual summer schools, mentoring programme with two advisors, council of doctoral researchers: an independent platform for young researchers, joint venture between three different universities (FAU Erlangen, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Universität des Saarlandes)
FAU contacts and information about the programme
Prof. Dr. Kai Phillip Schmidt
91058 Erlangen
- Phone number: +49 9131 85-28443
- Email:
- Website:
Research into molecular switching points for resolving inflammation, arthritis, Crohn’s disease and asthma, highly qualified, translational training, focus on life sciences
Doctoral degree
Dr. rer. nat., Dr. biol. hum., Dr. med., Dr. med. dent.
Course Language
German and English
Programme duration
4 years
1 year in each case with a doctoral scholarship for medical doctoral candidates
Application procedure
Send application documents as a PDF via email to stating the desired sub-projects.
Specific conditions
Mentoring, “jour fixe” every two weeks, training workshops, seminars, public relations, financial support, 5 doctoral scholarships for medical doctoral candidates each year, annual retreat of the SFB/Integrated Research Training Group 1181
Similar doctoral programmes
Transregio SFB -B-cells: Immunity and Autoimmunity (TRR 130)
Research Training Group 1660 – Key signals of adaptive immune response
FAU contact person and information about the programme
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Mario Zaiss
Department of Medicine 3
Chair of Medicine III (Prof. Dr. Schett)
- Phone number: +49 9131 85-33794
- Email:
Kidney research, physiology and pathophysiology, tubular system and interstitium, translational projects, new treatment goals, fundamental research
Doctoral degree
Dr. rer. nat., Dr. med., Dr. hum. biol.
Language of degree program
English, also German if there are only German-speaking participants
Program duration
3-4 years (PhD)
How to apply
For further information, please contact Dr. Michaela Kritzenberger.
Special features
RENPRO is a customized training program that focuses on renal research. The RENPRO modules focus on content specific to renal research that expands and develops students’ qualifications. Participation is mandatory for the doctoral candidates in TRR 374. Further information about the training program
Similar doctoral programs
Interdisciplinary Center for Clinical Research (IZKF)
FAU contacts and information about the program
Precision synthesis, graphene nanoribbons, 2D polymers, covalent-organic frameworks (COFs), high-resolution spectroscopy, first-principles calculations
Doctoral degree
Dr. rer. nat.
Language of degree program
Program duration
3 – 3.5 years
How to apply
The Research Training Group on Planar Carbon Lattices (RTG2861-PCL) currently has openings for Doctoral Researchers / PhD students. You can find further information on the homepage of the research training group.
Special features
Joint program with TU Dresden; interdisciplinary topic bridging synthetic chemistry, physical chemistry, solid-state physics, and theory; training program includes exchange Erlangen-Dresden, research visits, lab rotations, access to courses in Erlangen and Dresden; summer schools
Similar doctoral programs
FAU contact and information about the program
Prof. Dr. Janina Maultzsch (Deputy scientific coordinator/Spokesperson)
Information about the program