Education module
Education module
Research and teaching are closely linked. As a member of our teaching staff, you have the important task of training the excellent FAU researchers of the future. However, teaching is a skill which has to be learned. We have excellent teacher training specialists on hand to help you with modules tailored to meet your needs aimed at helping you design and develop your own teaching methods and classes. During the semester, you can actively work on your own courses with our experts and put what you have learned into practice straight away.
You are given support in analog university teaching (module E1) as well as in the up-and-coming area of online teaching (module E2), and have plenty of opportunity to keep improving and fine-tuning your teaching skills. You can choose between the modules E1: Advanced Higher Education – Focus on your own teaching and E2: Advanced Higher Education – Fokus on online teaching, as each module is one independent unit.
The coaches will get in touch with you directly before the module starts to pass on details about what will be covered in the modules and to let you know if there are any documents which you should submit beforehand.
Module E1: Advanced Higher Education – Focus on your own teaching
Location: Online
Places: 10
Registration deadline: 08.04.2025
Please note that modules E1 and E2 are held annually on an alternating basis.
This workshop focuses on creating your own teaching profile. Over the course of the workshop you reflect on your previous teaching experience and draw up a teaching portfolio. Teaching portfolios are becoming increasingly important when applying for a new position. A typical teaching portfolio gives a brief outline of your previous teaching experience but focuses mainly on your fundamental understanding of teaching (teaching philosophy), gives examples of your teaching, explains the motivation behind your teaching and details how you see your teaching developing in future. Teaching portfolios are a recognized and established means of tracking the development of your teaching skills. In this module, you work on your teaching portfolio during a blended learning workshop. You are given individual support whilst reflecting on your teaching and drawing up your own teaching portfolio.
Module contents
- Create your own teaching portfolio
- Expand your knowledge of specific topics tailored to your own situation, for example skills-oriented teaching.
- Benefit from the expertise of experienced teaching specialists for your own lectures and seminars, even during the current semester.
Module structure
The module consists of a two-day blended learning workshop.
The kick-off session starts with an introduction to the seminar and covers the basics of a teaching portfolio (four units of 45 minutes each). During the current semester, you then have sufficient time to take various StudOn courses on specific topics during the self-study phase (eight units of 45 minutes each). The aim is to come up with a rough draft of your own teaching portfolio within this period. The module finishes with a feedback session with the other participants in which you present your teaching portfolio and have the opportunity to give it a final polish and fill in any gaps (four units of 45 minutes each).
Dr. Uwe Fahr and Dr. Michael Cursio from the Center for Continuing Education in University-Level Teaching, FBZHL, have many years’ experience in training teaching skills, and collaborate with colleagues from other Bavarian universities in this area. With a close-knit network of lecturers and their own expertise, the coaches at FBZHL are able to deal with all topics of relevance to teaching at universities and in science.
Module E2: Advanced Higher Education - Fokus on online teaching
Location: Online
Places: 10
Registration deadline: 19.03.2024
Please note that modules E1 and E2 are held annually on an alternating basis. The module will not be offered in 2025!
This practice-oriented module encourages participants to explore familiar (media-based) teaching concepts in more detail, giving teaching staff a valuable tool kit to help engage their students. Combining face-to-face and online sessions and adjusting examination formats accordingly can generate a noticeable change in the teaching/learning process. The teacher becomes less of a source of knowledge and more of a mentor, encouraging students to take on more responsibility for their own learning.
Module contents
- Learn how to devise and elaborate your own media-based teaching concepts for your teaching units.
- Design teaching and learning settings tailored to your needs.
- Try out your own specific digital concept during the current semester.
- Reflect on your own teaching skills and take them to the next level.
Module structure
The module is held over the course of the semester. It consists of online seminars and self-study/development phases. The units are spread over four 2.5 hour workshops.
Claudia Schmidt and Sónia Hetzner both work at the Institut für Lern-Innovation (ILI) as part of an interdisciplinary team of roughly 30 academics from the humanities and engineering sciences, who carry out research into lifelong digital, media-assisted learning, from school children to senior citizens. ILI is the center for excellence in e-learning at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) and is one of the research institutes of the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Theology. As part of a large network of European and national partners, ILI is involved in various different projects and offers services, advice and knowledge transfer.