Module: Career paths outside the university
Career paths outside the university
Have you been working in research for a long time and would now like to change careers and broaden your horizons? We can help you take your first steps into a career in business and industry. During our two-day module about careers outside university, you will learn about opportunities and options open to you outside a university context and begin planning your future in a field suited to your needs and qualifications. In addition, you will gain the skills necessary to identify your aims and the knowledge and skills you have gained during your time in research to successfully apply for positions.
The coaches will get in touch with you directly before the module starts to pass on details about what will be covered in the modules and to let you know if there are any documents which you should submit beforehand.
Day 1: Prospects outside of academia – career planning for postdocs
Which unique skills and interests are decisive for selecting the career path most suited to me? Can I combine my idea of a fulfilling life with a career at a university? How can I develop a strategy for pursuing an academic career or a career in other fields?
This seminar provides the answers to these and other questions for those who would like to plan their careers in a strategic manner. It offers you the opportunity to think about a future academic career or the alternatives available. Based on their individual profiles, participants develop their own vision for their future personal and professional lives.
- They reflect upon their career to date and develop a well considered plan.
- By looking at their past achievements, they develop a profile that incorporates and evaluates their individual qualifications, skills and career plans.
- They find out about formal and hidden requirements for careers outside academia, with a special focus on Germany.
- Based on the feedback provided by their colleagues, they explore various career alternatives.
- Creating a profile of your skills and qualifications
- Selecting your own criteria and values for your personal and professional life
- Developing a vision for your own personal and professional life
- Assessing and evaluating your personal development goals
- Identifying your professional network
- Next stage: Job applications in Germany
Day 2: Customized applications – how to apply for a job and get hired
This workshop provides participants with an overview of the various job opportunities open to them. They learn which strategies they can use to find a job that corresponds with their profile. Participants also learn about career prospects in a non-academic context.
Participants develop individual application strategies based on their personal and professional backgrounds and job prospects. They learn about the relevant criteria that are obligatory for a written application. In addition, participants have the opportunity to analyze their job application documents and optimize them if they wish. The final part of the workshop deals with job interviews. To which aspects should applicants pay particular attention and what are the various elements of a typical job interview? Finally, participants simulate individual elements of a job interview in order to gain more confidence during such situations.
- My profession and job opportunities
- Career prerequisites and the application process
- My individual application strategy
- How can I structure and present my application documents in such a way that they are appealing to potential employers?
- The most important aspects of a successful job interview
Over seven years of training experience in science and over 1000 satisfied participants
Markus Merkelbach is an expert in career strategy and team communication. Merkelbach, who studied philosophy and German language and literature, has many years of experience as a journalist, author of specialized publications and speaker. As educational director of ISD GmbH in Stuttgart, he was responsible for the training program for international companies until 2011. As a certified coach, he has been holding workshops for doctoral candidates and post-docs since 2009 and has successfully worked with over 1000 participants to date.